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1092 Search results for:3ds-max-background 2024

1.National Assembly approves bill and motion
During yesterday’s sitting, the National Assembly considered a bill and a motion, which were both approved by the ruling party. The first taken in the morning was the amendments to the Prevention of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill, 2023, presented by the ...»

Date:26 October 2023 | Category:National Assembly

2.Revenue commission empowers new taxpayers and businesses
New taxpayers and aspiring entrepreneurs have learned about their rights and responsibilities through a workshop organised yesterday by the Seychelles Revenue Commission (SRC) at the Seychelles Trading Company conference hall. In an interview with the press, Sheryl Barra, director of ...»

Date:26 October 2023 | Category:Domestic

3.Cruise season 2023-2024 sets sail with SH Diana's grand arrival
The arrival of the newly constructed SH Diana at 6:30am yesterday officially kicked off the 2023-2024 cruise ship season. The guests were welcomed yesterday morning during a special ceremony at the Mahé Quay, organised by Mahé Shipping in partnership with ...»

Date:25 October 2023 | Category:Domestic

4.New Seychelles Hospital to meet international standards
The new Seychelles Hospital will be located at Mont Fleuri and is expected to remain relevant for at least the next 100 years as well as adaptable to changing technologies. All these information came out of the first meeting of ...»

Date:25 October 2023 | Category:Domestic

5.West Coast road project
Temporary road resurfacing work from Montagne Posée junction to Anse à la Mouche   The Minister for Transport, Antony Derjacques, has announced that the road from the Montagne Posée junction in Anse Boileau up to Anse à la Mouche will ...»

Date:25 October 2023 | Category:Domestic

6.Paralympics association members attend three-day workshop
Members of the Paralympics Association of Seychelles are following a three-day workshop being run by International Paralympics Committee consultant Anna Derichi. Taking place at the National Sports Council (NSC) boardroom, the workshop began yesterday and will end tomorrow. In an ...»

Date:25 October 2023 | Category:Sport

7.Rali politik parti LDS
‘Pou annan en keksoz pour tou Seselwa dan Bidze 2024,’ Prezidan Ramkalawan i dir   “I annan en keksoz pour tou Seselwa dan Bidze 2024 ki pou prezante le 3 Novanm dan Lasanble Nasyonal par minis responsab pour finans. ...»

Date:23 October 2023 | Category:Domestic

8.Tourism Seychelles takes part in Italy’s most prominent travel trade fair
A Seychelles delegation took part in the 60th edition of Italy’s most prominent travel trade fair, which took place in Rimini from October 11 to 13, 2023. Seychelles was well represented with a dedicated branded stand and a delegation led ...»

Date:23 October 2023 | Category:Tourism

9.Tourism minister attends 25th session of UNWTO general assembly
Foreign Affairs and Tourism Minister Sylvestre Radegonde, accompanied by a Seychelles delegation, took part in the 25th session of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation general assembly held in the historic city of Samarkand, Uzbekistan. The delegation comprised Sherin Francis, ...»

Date:23 October 2023 | Category:Tourism

10.Seychelles Prison Service launches ‘Gem in them’ initiative
          Sign memorandum of understanding with St Elizabeth Convent   The Seychelles Prison Service signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the St Elizabeth Convent yesterday to support and collaborate with the residence on a unique initiative ...»

Date:21 October 2023 | Category:Domestic

11.Ministry sheds more light on Employment (Amendment) Bill, 2023
The Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs is encouraging the private sector to use the performance-based management system for evaluation of workers for 13th month pay as it will help increase productivity within their organisations. It was the principal secretary ...»

Date:21 October 2023 | Category:Domestic

12.CBS’ Guy Morel High Achievement Scholarship for 2024 opens for applications
The Central Bank of Seychelles (CBS) has announce the launch of the sixth edition of its Guy Morel High Achievement Scholarship programme. Application for the scholarship is now open until January 31, 2024. Once again, two fully funded scholarships – ...»

Date:20 October 2023 | Category:Domestic

13.Seychelles and South Africa hold mid-term review of the 3rd Joint Commission for Cooperation
The mid-term review of the 3rd Joint Commission for Cooperation (JCC) between Seychelles  and South Africa was held from October 16 to 17, 2023 in Pretoria at the department of International Relations. Seychelles was represented by a delegation of senior ...»

Date:19 October 2023 | Category:Domestic

14.Assembly approves Employment (Amendment) Bill 2023  
The National Assembly yesterday approved the Employment (Amendment) Bill, 2023, which refers to legislative provisions on 13th month pay under the Employment Act (Cap 69) for the years 2023 to 2025. After a one-day deliberation, 22 members from the ruling Linyon ...»

Date:19 October 2023 | Category:Domestic

15.Seychelles added to EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes
Seychelles has been added to the European Union list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes, according to a press communique released yesterday by the Council of the European Union. Seychelles was joined by American Samoa, Antigua and Barbuda and Belize ...»

Date:18 October 2023 | Category:Domestic

16.HC Accouche takes part in high-level meetings of the Indian Ocean Rim Association  
High Commissioner Lalatiana Accouche represented Seychelles at the 23rd Council of Ministers of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) meeting held in Colombo, Sri Lanka on October 11, 2023 under the theme ‘Strengthening Regional Architecture: Reinforcing Indian Ocean identity’. Hosted ...»

Date:18 October 2023 | Category:Domestic

17.Transport minister addresses National Assembly questions  
Transport minister Antony Derjacques was in the National Assembly yesterday to address questions pertaining to his ministry namely ports, airports and roads. One question referred to the ports and airports redevelopment plan. Johan Loze of the United Seychelles party wanted ...»

Date:18 October 2023 | Category:National Assembly

18.  Création de logo pour les 40 ans de la COI
• Concours ouvert aux Seychellois   La Commission de l’Océan Indien (COI) célèbrera le 10 janvier 2024 les 40 ans de la signature de l’Accord de Victoria qui a institutionnalisé l’organisation. Pour marquer ces quatre décennies de coopération au service ...»

Date:17 October 2023 | Category:Domestic

19.Kominike Lapolis  
Lakour i donn zizman dan ka lesey en zonm pour anpwazonn en lot   James Azemia, aze 53-an sorti Ma Joie, in kondannen pour ilegalman administre en pwazon avek lentansyon koz dimal en lot dimoun. Sa lensidan ti ariv le ...»

Date:14 October 2023 | Category:Domestic

20.Le Chantier Mall redevelopment project under way
By Vidya Gappy   The first phase of the Le Chantier Mall redevelopment project, involving hoarding, stripping, and partial demolition, started on August 8, 2023 and will cost R6.9 million. The project has been contracted to Wellpoint Development. The ...»

Date:13 October 2023 | Category:Domestic