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PUC soon to commission permanent alarm system installed around La Gogue dam |01 March 2024

Following the installation of a permanent alarm system around La Gogue dam, the Public Utilities Corporation (PUC) will be undertaking tests on the new system between 10am to 12 noon on Saturday March 2, 2024.

Loud sirens will be heard during this period.

Members of the public are reassured that the test is purely a rehearsal and that it is no cause for panic.

In the months to come, the detailed evacuation plan, namely assembly points, shelters and evacuation process and procedures will be communicated to members of the public via the media by relevant authorities.

Preliminary information about the evacuation plan was communicated during public meetings hosted by PUC together with DRMD (Disaster and Risk Management Division) early last year.

Presently, La Gogue dam stands at 91% of its total capacity.


Press release from PUC

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