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Registration opens for 13th cohort pre-registration training for childminders 2024 |04 March 2024

The IECD/Unesco Category 2 Institute said registration is now open for the 13th Cohort of the Pre-Registration, Sensitisation, and Training Programme (PRESET) for prospective childminders.

This year, the Institute for Early Childhood Development (IECD) will be conducting only one programme; a change from the two training programmes offered last year.

The training has been on offer since 2016 and the programme is crucial for individuals who aim to become childminders, especially considering the IECD's plans to enforce legislation against unregistered childcare providers.

Moreover, the objective of the PRESET is to sensitise and inform prospective childminders on the requirements of the 10 National Standards for home-based child care services.

The ten Standards are Health (Public Health & Child Health), Safety, Child Rights and Protection, Staffing, Early Learning, Interaction, Nutrition, Physical Environment, Family & Community Engagement and Administration.

This is with a view for them to be eligible to register their service with IECD. The training is a fundamental requirement for registration as per the IECD (National Standards on Childminding Regulations) 2016.

This year's programme distinguishes itself from previous iterations in several ways. While past programmes centered on the contents of National Standards, this year's curriculum has been adapted and updated to reflect the evolving landscape of the field.

The session is also delivered using a hands on and practical approach, to allow the childminders to better implement what they have learned.

Director for Home-Based Child Care Service, Natalie Moustache, said the change in the number of programmes offered this year is due to the enrolment list.

“Based on the enrolment list this year we feel that one programme will be sufficient to meet the demand,” explained Mrs Moustache.

An estimated 40 participants are anticipated to attend comprising practicing unregistered childminders, childminder assistants and unregistered childminders who have followed the PRESET prior to 2022 and require a refresher. 

“Nonetheless we currently do not have a limit for practicing unregistered childminders,” Mrs Moustache told Seychelles NATION.

The training will take place on nine Saturdays from April 27 to July7, 2024, with a break on June 1.

Details on the venue and other logistics will be provided during the introductory meeting on Saturday, March 9, 2024.

“We are placing emphasis on unregistered childminders in view of the coming into force of the Early Childhood Development (ECD) Act 2022 which stipulates that it is an offence to operate a child care service without being registered with IECD. This offence is punishable by law with a prison sentence and/or a fine. Hence this training should be taken very seriously,” said Mrs Moustache.

“Following the training the prospective childminders are adequately informed to implement the standards in their respective child care services with the support of IECD Officers,” concluded Mrs Moustache.

The last day to register for the 13th cohort is March 9, 2024. Any interested persons are advised to contact IECD.


Anika Cathene


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