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1090 Search results for:3ds-max-background 2024

1.Communication officers learn more about NDS 2019-2023
Communications and public relations officers working in a number of ministries, departments, agencies and state enterprises yesterday took part in an educational session to learn more about the National Development Strategy 2019-2023. The session is the first in a series ...»

Date:15 January 2020 | Category:Domestic

2.President Faure decorated in active and fruitful year
The year 2019 has been a successful one for President Danny Faure who, during his many overseas assignments, has been the voice for many on ocean protection, the fight against climate change, pollution and other threats to the environment, the ...»

Date:31 December 2019 | Category:Presidency

3.Stakeholders updated on changes to environment protection laws
Stakeholders involved in the refrigeration sector, including refrigerant technicians, were yesterday updated by the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change on the amendments that have been made to the Environment Protection (Ozone) Regulations 2010. These new amendments to the ...»

Date:20 November 2019 | Category:Domestic

4.L’UNESCO veut protéger le sport et ses pratiquants en luttant contre toutes les formes de tricheries
● Les Seychelles sont parmi les bons élèves de la planète sport   Cent quatre et vingt-huit (188) pays membres, 420 auditeurs, 80 conférenciers se sont donnés rendez-vous au siège de l’organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et ...»

Date:06 November 2019 | Category:Sport

5.Strategic plan for nurses, midwives being finalised
Nurses and midwives in Seychelles will in the near future have a strategic plan which will provide them direction and guidance in their profession. The Ministry of Health is in the process of drafting a first strategic plan for nurses ...»

Date:11 September 2019 | Category:Domestic

6.Seypec endorses 6th group of young seafarers to train at Cinec
As customary each year since the launch of the young Seychellois seafarers career training programme in 2014, the Seychelles Petroleum Company (Seypec) is once again sending a group of young recruits to pursue their pre-sea training at the Colombo International ...»

Date:24 August 2019 | Category:Domestic

7.Body set up to coordinate post-disaster management
A new high-level national steering committee has been set up to better coordinate post-disaster management. The high-level national steering committee together with three related sub- committees – one on local government matters relating to housing, one for matters relating to ...»

Date:27 July 2019 | Category:Domestic

8.President Faure calls on UN chief
President Danny Faure called on the secretary general of the United Nations, António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres, at the UN headquarters in New York on Thursday. Their meeting primarily focused on Seychelles' leadership on ocean conservation and the Blue economy. The ...»

Date:15 June 2019 | Category:Presidency

9.President Faure discusses coastal and ocean issues with World Bank chief
World Bank chief executive Kristalina Georgieva has heralded Seychelles for its leadership in the environment sector and inspiring other countries both in the region and worldwide. She said this during her meeting with President Danny Faure on Thursday morning at ...»

Date:15 June 2019 | Category:Presidency

10.Stakeholders team up to clean Beau Vallon beach
Staff from the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change joined members of the ‘Parley for the Oceans’ group on Saturday morning to clean the Beau Vallon beach, one of the most visited and popular beaches on Mahé. The clean-up ...»

Date:10 June 2019 | Category:Sport