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1096 Search results for:3ds-max-background 2024

1.Basketball – Mont Fleuri 3x3 tournament
Bringing basketball to the community   With the absence of local basketball action for almost a year, the Mont Fleuri district, through its member of the National Assembly, Michel Roucou, who is himself a great sports enthusiast, hosted a 3x3 ...»

Date:30 January 2024 | Category:Sport

2.In Brief
FOOTBALL   SFF Premier League On Thursday at 6pm at Stad Linite, Northern Dynamo v St Michel. On Friday: at 3pm at Stad Amitié, Anse Reunion v Defence Forces FC, and at 6pm at Stad Linite, Foresters v Côte d’Or. ...»

Date:30 January 2024 | Category:Sport

3.United in song and spirit
Celebrating peace and education at interfaith community gathering   By Sunny Esparon   As part of ongoing activities to mark Education Week 2024, a religious interfaith community gathering was held at the Ministry of Education Garden yesterday morning under the ...»

Date:29 January 2024 | Category:Domestic

4.Commemoration of 189th anniversary of the abolition of Slavery in Mauritius
President Ramkalawan invited as chief guest Seychelles’ President Wavel Ramkalawan has been invited by the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Pravin Jugnauth as the Chief Guest at the commemoration of the 189th anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery in Mauritius. The ...»

Date:29 January 2024 | Category:Domestic

5.Blue Economy department interacts with local media  
To kick off its calendar of activities for 2024, the Department of Blue Economy hosted a half-day workshop for representatives of the local media aimed at enhancing the latter’s understanding of their work. Its primary objective was to enhance collaboration ...»

Date:27 January 2024 | Category:Domestic

6.Data Protection Day 2024
January 28 (tomorrow) is a significant day for Seychelles as we come together to celebrate Data Protection Day. This day provides an opportunity to reflect on the importance of safeguarding personal data and the pivotal role it plays in our ...»

Date:27 January 2024 | Category:Domestic

7.Projet RECOS  
Science, bonnes pratiques, mobilité et initiatives de terrain pour renforcer la résilience des populations et des écosystèmes côtiers   La Commission de l’Océan Indien (COI) a organisé le deuxièmecomité de pilotage (COPIL) du projet RECOS « Résilience des populations et ...»

Date:27 January 2024 | Category:Domestic

8.Kominike Lapolis
En zonm i ganny sarze pour plizyer lofans    Scott Morin, aze 33-an ki pa dan lanplwa e sorti Au Cap, in formelman ganny sarze devan Lakour Mazistra Anse Royale yer dan plizyer ka. Sa i pour an posesyon en ...»

Date:27 January 2024 | Category:Domestic

Seychelles NATION would like to correct a sum in its article ‘Multiple birth benefit now effective’ published on Thursday January 25 , 2024, where the second paragraph read “…. Up to a maximum of R6635”. It should read “….. up to ...»

Date:27 January 2024 | Category:Domestic

10.La préparation pour la Fête de la Francophonie démarre
Pour célébrer la Francophonie cette année, du 20 au 30 mars 2024, la Commission Nationale de la Francophonie a commencé à se réunir régulièrement afin de nous offrir un éventail d’activités. La Secrétaire Générale de la Commission Nationale de la ...»

Date:25 January 2024 | Category:Domestic

11.Renowned historian Tony Mathiot dies at 61
Seychelles’ renowned historian Tony Mathiot, whose encyclopedic knowledge of recorded events that happened here and his ability to locate them made him famous among journalists, authors, students and even the ordinary Seychellois, has died. He left this world late yesterday ...»

Date:25 January 2024 | Category:Domestic

12.Inauguration de l'exposition « Les Seychelles : Voyage dans l'histoire des cartes (1482-1830) » à Praslin
Le Ministre Désigné, Ministre de la Pêche et de l'Economie bleue M. Jean-François Ferrari a inauguré l'exposition « Les Seychelles : Voyage dans l'histoire des cartes (1482-1830)» à l'île Praslin le 24 janvier 2024. Cette exposition, très attendue, présentée précédemment ...»

Date:25 January 2024 | Category:Fisheries and Agriculture

13.International School Seychelles marks World Education Day with donation
In commemoration of World Education Day, International School Seychelles (ISS) has made a significant contribution to Perseverance secondary school. The renowned educational institution has donated a substantial number of science textbooks, aiming to enhance the learning experience and academic resources ...»

Date:25 January 2024 | Category:Domestic

14.Financial Services Authority, Postal Services get new board
The Office of the President has announced the appointment of the new board of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and of the Seychelles Postal Services (SPS).   FSA board Patrick Payet has been re-appointed as chairperson and Muhammad Saley has ...»

Date:25 January 2024 | Category:Domestic

15.Temporary hold on individual land request as state land inventory progresses
Last year, the Lands Department within the Ministry of Lands and Housing announced an exercise to complete a state land inventory. To ensure the completion of this project without causing any impact on land purchase procedures and the quality of ...»

Date:25 January 2024 | Category:Domestic

16.Kominike Lapolis
De fanmiy i antre an konfrontasyon   Trwa (3) zonm aze 23-an, 26-an ek 21-an e ki sorti Union Vale, i a detansyon lapolis pour 13 zour swivan en lensidan ki’n arive Mardi swar Union Vale e dan Lopital Sesel. ...»

Date:25 January 2024 | Category:Domestic

17.President Ramkalawan visits key projects on Praslin and La Digue
President Wavel Ramkalawan, accompanied by Vice-President Ahmed Afif, conducted a full-day visit yesterday to key locations on Praslin and La Digue. The visit was primarily to assess and review progress of certain critical projects as well as to address some ...»

Date:24 January 2024 | Category:Presidency

18.Vallée De Mai’s celebration of its 40th anniversary as a World Heritage site  
Variety show set for February 2   After a delay, the variety show in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Vallée De Mai as a Unesco World Heritage Site, is finally set to take place on February 2, 2024, ...»

Date:24 January 2024 | Category:Domestic

19.Electoral Commission presents Delimitation Report to National Assembly Speaker
The chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Danny Lucas, yesterday presented the ‘Recommendation for Delimitation of Electoral Boundaries Exercise for 2023 – 2024’ to the National Assembly Speaker, Roger Mancienne. Mr Lucas was accompanied by Chief Electoral Officer Manuella Amesbury and ...»

Date:24 January 2024 | Category:Domestic

20.Supreme Court tackling murder trials
The trial in the murder of 44-year-old Cliff Pillay, which occurred at the North East Point playing field on December 7, 2022 started on Monday, with the jury selection process. Nine jurors, 5 females and 4 males, were selected to ...»

Date:24 January 2024 | Category:Domestic