Message from United Seychelles party leader Dr Patrick Herminie on the occasion of Eid ul-Fitr celebrated on Thursday May 13, 2021 |14 May 2021

Dr Herminie
‘May the favor of Allah be upon you all’
“Today is the day that you celebrate Eid ul-Fitr, the festival of breaking fast. Now that the month of Ramadan is over and the joyous occasion is present before you and Muslims all over the world,on behalf of United Seychelles party allow me to congratulate you for your steadfastness,dedication and sacrifices during the one-month long dawn to sunsetfasting.
“I also note that today is also a day with deep spiritual significance. As you humble yourselves before Allah to do your supplication asking for forgiveness, mercy and peace, I have no doubt in my mind that you will ask that this Eid brings healing and comfort for the entire humanity as the Covid-19 pandemic ravages the world.
“While you may not be able to visit relatives, friends and acquaintances for the usual large communal celebration, I believe that you will not forget that one common thread of the celebration is generosity and kindness and that you will make time to decorate your homes, prepare family meals, spend quality time with your families and also celebrate through virtual messages.
“May the favor of Allah be upon you all and may you be blessed with wisdom, kindness, peace and love. Eid Mubarak.”