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‘I would not wish to influence the outcome of the forthcoming elections,’ says former President Michel |08 September 2020

“I have not made, nor wish to make, any commitment to any political party in Seychelles as I would not wish, in any manner, to influence the outcome of the forthcoming elections. It is up to the people and political forces in Seychelles to determine, of their own free will and democratically, the future of our country.”

Former President James Michel made this statement in a press communiqué yesterday while reacting to a comment made by veteran singer Despilly Williams during the LDS (Linyon Demokratik Seselwa) convention on Saturday.

Mr Williams had alleged that Mr Michel had asked him to convey his support for LDS presidential candidate Wavel Ranmkalawan in the forthcoming election.

The communiqué from Mr Michel in response to Mr Williams’ statement made at the convention reads:

“Upon voluntarily relinquishing the presidency on October 16, 2016, I took the conscious decision of not interfering and not participating, in any manner whatsoever, in affairs of state and, subsequently, in party politics after I left the party a year later. I have consistently maintained this position as a matter of principle, including not affiliating myself with any political party.

“In this regard and in line with this, I have never been contacted for counsel in decisions made by my successor nor have I proffered any.

“My private telephone conversation with Mr Despilly Williams – an acquaintance of many years – initiated at the behest of his daughter, was erroneously interpreted by the latter leading to his declaration, purportedly on my behalf, made at the LDS party convention on September 5.

“I have not made, nor wish to make, any commitment to any political party in Seychelles as I would not wish, in any manner, to influence the outcome of the forthcoming elections. It is up to the people and political forces in Seychelles to determine, of their own free will and democratically, the future of our country.

“My vote, as a private citizen, will depend on my personal choice and is a private matter. Similarly, the people of Seychelles are free to make their choice to elect their next leader as Head of State and Government, and their representatives to the National Assembly, without any interference or undue influence.”

Communique from former President James Michel

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