LDS’ message on the occasion of Constitution Day |19 June 2020

Mr Mancienne
‘It is us who make our Constitution what it is’
On the occasion of Constitution Day celebrated yesterday, June 18, the leader of the Linyon Demokratik Seselwa, Roger Mancienne, has sent a message on behalf of his party in which he urges us to live by our Constituion, adopt what it prescribes and participate in what it offers.
The full text of Mr Mancienne’s message reads:
“The Linyon Demokratik Seselwa (LDS) joins together with all Seychellois to celebrate Constitution Day, June 18. It is a highly symbolic day for us especially as we approach another exercise in choosing the leadership of our country.
“Our Constitution marks the rebirth of our democracy under the rule of law. It is the foundation of the political and social system upon which our government rests and it enshrines our rights as citizens.
“The writing of our Constitution was the first exercise of free participation in national affairs that we engaged in after the return of multi-party democracy. We take the occasion to honour the men and women who resisted fear and victimisation to keep the wish for human and civil rights alive in our country. We know today that many paid a heavy price for the wish to keep the freedom of thought and expression which confers the dignity of equality on citizens. We thank them for their courage and sacrifice.
“As we enjoy our rights, we reflect also on our responsibilities as citizens. It is up to us to protect and defend the Constitution, by respecting the rights of others and the authority that is conferred on our institutions to maintain the political and social system that it enshrines. The Constitution would be only words on paper without the will of all citizens to live by it, to adopt what it prescribes and participate in what it offers.
“While we honour our Constitution we honour the spirit of our nation. It is us who make it what it is.
“LDS extends best wishes to all Seychellois for this day. We join with all to resolve that we will continue to enjoy the rights and privileges that our Constitution gives us, and to live by the responsibilities that it confers.”
Roger Mancienne
LDS leader