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United Seychelles’ message for International Youth Day, August 12, 2023 |12 August 2023

‘All hands on deck towards a sustainable world’


“Engaging the younger generation in the sustainable development of our beautiful islands is of paramount importance if we are to remain relevant as a Nation. Our commitments to meet the goals and targets under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development can only be

achievable with the interest and dedication of the youths.

“’Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World’ is therefore aptly chosen for this year’s theme on International Youth Day, celebrated around the world on August 12. The plight of small island states against threats of climate change, and its impact on our natural

resources and food security is a preoccupation best dealt with through an integrated approach across all sectors involving our entire population.

“As we often say, ‘the Youths of today are the pride of the future’ and United Seychelles firmly believes that Seychelles is blessed to have so many of our children partaking in activities to raise awareness on environmental issues and promote sustainable lifestyles. United Seychelles appreciates the fact that ‘re-use, re-cycle, and reduce’ has become the chorus of choice among the youths of our country. With their own spin on how best to tackle the management and protection of ecosystems, it is encouraging to see old recycling traditions come back. Where our older generation was ashamed to be seen with a bin-bag at the dustbin, the youths have raised the bar and collecting marine debris and waste for example are now in vogue.

“United Seychelles therefore calls on all stakeholders to put in place the right framework to better engage our younger generation in countering the threats to our biodiversity – be it from climate change, pollution, illegal exploitation of our natural resources and invasive

alien species and last but not least substance abuse.

“In line with this year’s theme, let us encourage our young entrepreneurs in developing and strengthening their green skills for a remarkable difference in developing sustainable agriculture, and the sustainable management of our natural resources for food security.

“Let us actively find the means and mechanisms for young entrepreneurs to promote wider application of modern energy saving systems for a greener transition for all families.

“On behalf of the United Seychelles and its leaders, I would like to appeal to the youths of Seychelles to not only celebrate the International Youth Day but to use this day for reflection on the chosen theme – as socio economic stability in order to strive towards a sustainable world needs all hands-on deck.

“We commend all the youths of Seychelles positively contributing to build a Nation of achievers and wish you continued success in your journey.”


Press release from United Seychelles

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