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1092 Search results for:3ds-max-background 2024

1.Minister Hassan attends high-level dialogue on taxation and SDGs
The Minister for Finance, National Planning and Trade, Naadir Hassan, was recently in New York attending the ‘2023 Dialogue on Tax and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’ meeting held between November 14 and 17. The four-day meeting focused on the ...»

Date:23 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

2.National Assembly 
Three more entities have their appropriations approved   The Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs was the first before the National Assembly yesterday to justify its R151.5 million budget for 2024, which according to its minister, Rose-Marie Hoareau, ...»

Date:23 November 2023 | Category:National Assembly

3.Seychelles Karting Awards Ceremony 2023
Celebrating achievers, achievements, sportsmanship and 30 years of racing The sun set over the picturesque islands of Seychelles, casting a warm glow over the Karting Arena as enthusiasts and racers gathered for the highly anticipated Seychelles Karting Awards Ceremony. The ...»

Date:23 November 2023 | Category:Sport

4.UAE celebrates 52nd National Day
To mark the 52nd anniversary of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on December 2, 2023, its chargé d’affaires in Seychelles, Ahmed Saeed Alneyadi, last night hosted a reception at the Savoy Seychelles Resort & Spa, Beau Vallon. In attendance were ...»

Date:22 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

5.Seychelles celebrates fisheries week
          A blend of training, careers and conservation   Seychelles joined the rest of the world yesterday to commemorate World Fisheries held under the theme ‘Harmony beneath the Waves, Sustainability in Our Hands’, designated by the Food ...»

Date:22 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

6.National Assembly   
Transport ministry and its budget-dependent entities get their sums approved   Yesterday’ sitting saw the Ministry of Transport and two of its budget-dependent entities, namely Seychelles Maritime Safety Administration and the Seychelles Land Transport Agency presenting and justifying their appropriations ...»

Date:22 November 2023 | Category:National Assembly

7.Seychelles Prison to implement restorative justice programme
          50 percent of convicts are repeat offenders   Among the 444 residents at the Montagne Posée Prison, including the 140 on remand, 50 percent of them are repeat offenders. These alarming figures were shared by the ...»

Date:21 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

8.National Assembly 
Budget allocations for five government entities approved   Five government entities were before the National Assembly yesterday to present and justify their budget appropriation for next year. The first to be heard was the Ministry of Education, with the highest ...»

Date:21 November 2023 | Category:National Assembly

9.Journée portes ouvertes réussie à l’Alliance Française des Seychelles
Samedi matin, une foule de plus d'une centaine de personnes s'est réunie à l'Alliance Française des Seychelles à l'occasion de sa journée portes ouvertes. La matinée a été marquée par deux événements majeurs mettant en avant les travaux des jeunes ...»

Date:21 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

10.The Guy Morel Institute hosts 4th human resource forum
          Shares plans and courses for 2024   The Guy Morel Institute (TGMI) hosted its fourth human resource forum yesterday with the aim of engaging with its partners to see how best to boost the cooperation, ...»

Date:18 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

11.National Assembly
All budgets for Health entities get parliament’s approval   Yesterday’s sitting was dominated by budget allocations for health-related matters and all six budget proposals were approved unanimously by the National Assembly. The first before the House was the Ministry of Health, ...»

Date:18 November 2023 | Category:National Assembly

12.55.2 milyon roupi pour proze kominoter an 2024
Par Patrick Joubert   Dan alokasyon bidzeter Minister Gouvernman Lokal ek Zafer Kominoter pour 2024 – ki en sonm R151.5 milyon – 55.2 milyon roupi ladan pou al direkteman pour bann proze kominoter. Bann zofisye sa minister ti ...»

Date:17 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

13.Cabinet approves a number of legal and policy memoranda
President Wavel Ramkalawan chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet on Wednesday, November15 in which a number of legal and policy memoranda were approved. Cabinet has approved a proposal to develop regulations for dog breeding in Seychelles. This decision came ...»

Date:17 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

14.National Assembly
The House approves budget allocations for nine entities Nine government entities had their 2024 budget allocations approved by the national assembly during yesterday’s sitting. The ministry of employment and social affairs, led by Minister Patricia Francourt was the first before ...»

Date:16 November 2023 | Category:National Assembly

15.National Assembly 
Budget allocations for four more entities approved   Internal Affairs minister, Errol Fonseka, was in the National Assembly yesterday to justify his ministry’s 2024 proposed budget of R672.607 million. The National Assembly had to vote once for the internal ...»

Date:15 November 2023 | Category:National Assembly

16.19ème Colloque Régional VIH/Sida, Hépatites et Addictions de la région Océan Indien
« VIH au cœur des soins intégrés et accessibles »   Par Vidya Gappy   « J'interpelle nos partenaires bilatéraux et multilatéraux sur la nécessité de continuer à soutenir nos pays sur les plans technique et financier. Aujourd'hui, les Seychelles sont ...»

Date:14 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

17.National Assembly  
Budget allocations for five entities approved   The Seychelles National Assembly yesterday approved budget allocations for five government entities namely Office of the President, the department of Legal Affairs, Seychelles Law Commission, Department of Defence and Seychelles Intelligence Service.  ...»

Date:14 November 2023 | Category:National Assembly

18.Search is on for next winners of The Earthshot Prize 2024
Deadline to submit applications is December 1, 2023   The search for the next winners of The Earthshot Prize 2024 has begun and The James Michel Foundation is proud to be an official nominator. The Earthshot Prize is a global ...»

Date:14 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

19.High-quality Belt and Road cooperation: Together for common development and prosperity
The Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) was held in Beijing on October 17 and 18, 2023. Attended by over 10,000 representatives from 151 countries and 41 international organisations, the Forum once again showcased the tremendous ...»

Date:13 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

20.Ceps reacts to budget 2024
          Establishes special email address for public’s comments   The Citizens Engagement Platform Seychelles (Ceps) has said it wants to move away from just commenting on the budget and to concentrate more on how it is implemented ...»

Date:11 November 2023 | Category:Domestic