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1092 Search results for:apk-installer-microsoft-store 2024

1.Deaf got talent – first try with a bang!
Seychelles’ first ‘Deaf got talent’ show has been described as a success. Organised last week by the Association for People with Hearing Impairment (Aphi), the event comprised dance performances, comedy acts and sketches. The winners won cash prizes sponsored by ...»

Date:02 December 2023 | Category:Domestic

2.CBS hold 45th anniversary lecture
The Central Bank of Seychelles (CBS) yesterday evening hosted its customary anniversary lecture to coincide with the institution’s 45th anniversary. The 2023 Anniversary Lecture under the theme ‘Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Central Banking’ was held the Savoy Seychelles Resort ...»

Date:02 December 2023 | Category:Domestic

3.Les Seychelles participent aux 40 ans du CREPS de La Réunion
Du 22 au 25 novembre, le Centre de Ressource, d'Expertise et de Performance Sportive de La Réunion (CREPS) a célébré ses 40 ans à Saint-Denis à La Réunion. L’Ambassadrice de France aux Seychelles Mme Olivia Berkeley-Christmann, Mme Carla Jorge, directrice ...»

Date:02 December 2023 | Category:Domestic

4.‘Wear My Shoes’ Award  
Mont Fleuri secondary among top five, wins US $5000   Mont Fleuri secondary school came out among the top five in an international award dubbed ‘Wear My Shoes’ and has won US $5000 as its reward.  The ‘Wear My ...»

Date:01 December 2023 | Category:Domestic

5.Open Government Partnership initiative
Vice-President Afif chairs second meeting of the Seychelles National Multi-stakeholder Committee   Vice-President Ahmed Afif chaired the second meeting of the Seychelles National Multi-Stakeholder Committee for the Open Government Partnership (OGP) at State House. The main item on the Committee’s ...»

Date:01 December 2023 | Category:Domestic

6.Corporate collaboration for the conservation of nesting sea turtles
It is without doubt that Seychelles' natural environment is its greatest asset, underpinning all sectors of its economy, whether directly or indirectly, and that effective conservation of this delicate and invaluable asset requires the involvement of all levels of society....»

Date:01 December 2023 | Category:Environment

7.Message from the Minister for Health on World Aids Day 2023
‘The world can end Aids, with communities leading the way’   “Seychelles joins the rest of the world to commemorate World Aids Day on Friday December 1, 2023. “On World Aids Day, we show our support for people living with ...»

Date:01 December 2023 | Category:Health

8.SNYC launches new helpline for youth
‘Beacon of hope and support for our young people,’ says CEO   The Seychelles National Youth Council (SNYC) yesterday launched its helpline, number 2 725 725, with the aim of reducing mental health issues among young people. The helpline ...»

Date:30 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

9.National Assembly
Parliament wraps up budget discussion   The National Assembly yesterday concluded discussions on the 2024 appropriation bill by approving sums of 14 entities. The morning session started with the Seychelles Revenue Commission led by Minister for Finance, National Planning and ...»

Date:30 November 2023 | Category:National Assembly

10.SADC PF acknowledges Mauritius for commitment to its work, values
The President of the SADC PF and Speaker of the Seychelles National Assembly, Hon Roger Mancienne, has commended Mauritius, one of the founding members of the SADC Parliamentary Forum, for her consistent participation in the work of the Forum. Hon ...»

Date:30 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

11.SQA reviews country’s National Qualifications Framework
The Seychelles Qualifications Authority held a half-day validation workshop yesterday morning to review the Seychelles National Qualifications Framework (SNQF). The workshop at the Seychelles Institute for Teacher Education (SITE) followed a series of consultations with stakeholders. SQA had been meeting ...»

Date:29 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

12.National Assembly
Budgets for Ministry of Lands and Housing and related entities get parliament approval   The Ministry of Lands and Housing had its appropriation for 2024 approved yesterday after nearly three hours of discussion in the National Assembly where the MNAs ...»

Date:29 November 2023 | Category:National Assembly

13.SADC PF Plenary focuses on role of parliaments in disaster responses
THE 54th Plenary Assembly Session of the SADC Parliamentary Forum(SADC PF) got underway in Mauritius on November 22, 2023 with the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Honourable Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, stressing on the critical role of national parliaments in responding to ...»

Date:29 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

14.Planning Authority announces key changes
           Fee updates, revised office hours, and December earth work ban   Three major announcements were made yesterday morning at the Planning Authority headquarters, Independence House, regarding the yearly ban imposed on earth works for the month ...»

Date:28 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

15.L’ASEF célèbre la Journée internationale des professeurs de français
Comme leurs homologues à travers le monde, les enseignants de français des Seychelles, représentés par l'Association Seychelloise des Enseignants de Français (ASEF), ont célébré la Journée internationale des professeurs de français samedi dernier avec thème « Fiers et fières d'enseigner le ...»

Date:28 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

16.National Assembly
Budget allocations of two ministries and their related entities approved   The National Assembly has entered the last week of discussion on the 2024 budget appropriations. Yesterday it approved the budget of two ministries namely the Ministry of Youth, Sports ...»

Date:28 November 2023 | Category:National Assembly

17.SPS receives restraint equipment to address inmate self-harm attempts
 Addresses mental health issue among inmates with professionals    The Seychelles Prison Service has received restraint jackets and protective headgear to better manage inmates who may try to harm themselves. In a press release issued last Friday, the Seychelles Prison ...»

Date:27 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

18.Agreement signed to procure and install walk through body scanner for prison service
 The Seychelles Prison Service and MONDOTEK Engineering Consultancy Services have signed an agreement for the prison service to be supplied with a walk through body scanner. The signing was by Claude Mondon for MONDOTEK and Raymond St Ange, Commissioner of ...»

Date:27 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

19.Le SG de l'Institut National des Seychelles pour la Culture, le Patrimoine et les Arts, David André en visite en Guadeloupe
Le secrétaire général de l'Institut National des Seychelles pour la Culture, le Patrimoine et les Arts, M. David André a assisté à une réunion avec M. Lucien Galvani, premier adjoint au Maire de la ville de Ste Anne ; M. ...»

Date:25 November 2023 | Category:Domestic

20.Business community urged to use cargo terminal to avoid the R500 processing fee
Starting January 15, 2024, individuals arriving at the Seychelles International Airport with commercial cargo will be subject to a fee of R500 per luggage piece. The Cabinet, in its meeting on November 15, sanctioned the timeline for the implementation of ...»

Date:25 November 2023 | Category:Domestic