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1096 Search results for:map-of-29-palms-ca 2024

1.Swimming: 2024 World Aquatics Championships – Doha, Qatar (February 2-18)
New PB for Simon Bachmann in 200m butterfly   Male swimmer of the year 2023 Simon Bachmann yesterday improved his personal best time in 200m butterfly at the ongoing World Aquatics Championships 2024 in Doha, Qatar. Bachman, who competed in ...»

Date:14 February 2024 | Category:Sport

2.FSA revokes licence of Falcon Insurance Limited
• No adverse impact on the industry, states FSA   By Patrick Joubert   Falcon Insurance Limited can no longer function as an insurance service provider in Seychelles, now that its licence has been revoked by the Financial Services Authority, ...»

Date:13 February 2024 | Category:Domestic

3.SPA bids farewell to tug boats Ascension and Rosemary
After having faithfully served for over 12 years in its fleet, the Seychelles Ports Authority’s two oldest tugs – Ascension and Rosemary – set sail to their new home on Saturday February 10, 2024. Negotiations for their sale started last ...»

Date:13 February 2024 | Category:Domestic

4.En zonm i mor, en lot i ganny arete
Channel Alcindor, sorti dan distrik Anse Royale e ki aze dan son karantenn lannen, in perdi son lavi, yer, swivan en lensidan kot Beach Park, Anse Royale. Lapolis in aret en zonm aze 23-an sorti Mont Plasir, distrik Anse Royale, ...»

Date:13 February 2024 | Category:Domestic

5.Programme sécurité Portuaire et sureté de la navigation  
Formation sur l’évaluation des risques des installations portuaires   L'évaluation des risques des installations portuaires est un exercice essentiel pour assurer la sécurité des zones portuaires et soutenir leur compétitivité. En partenariat avec le ministère mauricien de l'Économie bleue, des ...»

Date:13 February 2024 | Category:Domestic

6.Embracing awareness: International epilepsy day  
Yesterday, February 12, 2024, marked the observance of International Epilepsy Day – a momentous occasion recognised by the World Health Organisation since 2015, every second Monday of February. This day serves as a global platform to raise awareness about epilepsy, ...»

Date:13 February 2024 | Category:Health

7.Swimming: 2024 World Aquatics Championships – Doha, Qatar (February 2-18)
Pleasing results from young open-water swimmers   Given that open water swimming is fairly new locally, the performances of our young swimmers at the ongoing World Aquatics Championships 2024 in Doha, Qatar are very good, chairman of the Seychelles Aquatic ...»

Date:13 February 2024 | Category:Sport

8.Entretien exclusif avec Jean-Luc Mootoosamy, journaliste, directeur de « Media Expertise » :
« J’ai vu beaucoup de passion, d’amour du métier et de bonne volonté dans la presse seychelloise »   « J’ai vu beaucoup de passion, d’amour du métier dans la presse seychelloise »   A l’issue d’une semaine d’accompagnement de ...»

Date:12 February 2024 | Category:Domestic

9.OceanX, government achieve success  with a record-setting dive of 4,600m
Three major breakthroughs occurred during the latest OceanX expedition, conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment, focusing on deep-sea research exploration in the Seychelles’ outer islands. Nineteen Seychellois researchers led the scientific objectives of the ...»

Date:12 February 2024 | Category:Environment

10.Minister Joubert and delegation attend India Energy Week 2024
Minister for Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment Flavien Joubert, accompanied by the chief executive of the Public Utilities Corporation Joel Valmont, and acting chief executive of the Seychelles Energy Commission Bernice Charles attended the India Energy Week from February 6-8, ...»

Date:12 February 2024 | Category:Environment

11.Lospitalite Lafyerte Sesel service excellence programme
Bridging the gap between the industry and the workforce of tomorrow   One of the notable achievements, if not the most significant, of the Lospitalite Lafyerte Sesel service excellence programme is its effectiveness in bridging the gap between the industry ...»

Date:12 February 2024 | Category:Tourism

12.The world economy 90 years on – 1933-2023
History is not only about the past; history is also the study of change. At the beginning of this new year, I started to reflect on how various financial systems have risen and fallen over the last 90 years and ...»

Date:12 February 2024 | Category:Domestic

13.Seychelles films classification board – new approach for 2024
Since September 2023, the newly appointed Seychelles Films Classifications Board has rated 59 films, amongst which are films shown as part of the ‘Viv an Kreol’ film competition held in October last year and the ‘Japanese Films Festival’ held two ...»

Date:12 February 2024 | Category:Domestic

14.ISS champions environmental conservation with inclusive mangrove planting initiative
International School Seychelles continues to make significant strides in environmental stewardship with its latest collaborative effort, bringing together students from the School for the Hearing Impaired and ISS' primary wildlife club. This endeavour, now in its second year, showcases the ...»

Date:10 February 2024 | Category:Environment

15.Tourism Seychelles makes a lasting impression on travellers and trade at BIT Milan 2024
Tourism Seychelles took part in the 44th Borsa Internazionale del Turismo (BIT), held in Milan from February 4-6 at the Allianz MiCo. The esteemed event served as a gateway into the global tourism landscape, unveiling the most captivating destinations, activities ...»

Date:10 February 2024 | Category:Tourism

16.  President Ramkalawan to attend World Governments Summit 2024 in Dubai
President Wavel Ramkalawan will attend the upcoming World Governments Summit 2024 in Dubai, under the theme 'Shaping Future Governments’. The summit will involve governments, international organisations, thought leaders, and private sector leaders from around the globe. It seeks to encourage ...»

Date:09 February 2024 | Category:Presidency

17.MoFNPT staff attend foresight and system thinking training for strategic planning and financing for SDGs
A three-day training of trainers programme took place this week on foresight and systems thinking for strategic planning and finance for sustainable development goals in the country. The training is focusing on capacity development to support the attainment of Vision ...»

Date:09 February 2024 | Category:Domestic

18.ISS deepens commitment to community with heartwarming event at President's Village
The International School Seychelles proudly continued its tradition of community engagement as a group of dedicated staff and compassionate year 6 pupils spent an enriching day at the President's Village. The event, a testament to the school's commitment to its ...»

Date:09 February 2024 | Category:Domestic

19.Lapolis i komans demars pour idantifye lekor en zonm  
Lapolis in konfirmen ki sa lekor ki ti ganny ranmase dan lanmer dan rezyon Carana, Glacis, tar apremidi le 4 Fevriye 2024, i lekor en zonm. Lapolis pe fer provizyon pour fer bann tes siyantifik pour kapab determin lidantite sa ...»

Date:09 February 2024 | Category:Domestic

20.13th African Games- Accra, Ghana from March 8-23, 2024  
February 15 set as deadline for submission of shortlisted athletes   The local sporting federations and associations involved in the 13th African Games, scheduled to take place in Ghana from March 8-23, 2024 have until February 15 to submit their ...»

Date:09 February 2024 | Category:Sport