State-of-the-nation address by President Danny Faure |21 February 2020

President Faure delivering his State-of-the-nation address yesterday (Photo: Joena Meme)
‘This new decade is a decade for community renewal’
By Gerard Govinden
President Danny Faure has declared this new decade a decade for community renewal.
He made the announcement during his fourth State-of-the-nation address delivered before the National Assembly late yesterday afternoon and which was beamed live on radio and television.
He also said that the time has come for citizens to choose their district council through free and fair elections, adding that the elections will take place in January 2021.
President Faure explained that in this process of community renewal, we all need to make an effort to consider appropriate structures for mediation at the community level.
“This is the way to resolve several discords between neighbours and members of the community. Some of these differences of opinion are also an obstacle to developing the required infrastructure to better serve our community,” said President Faure.
He added that we should see more programmes in place in districts to support individuals in the community and improve the lives of citizens. More programmes focused on our elderly, neighbours, children and young people, and programmes for people with disabilities. All of this will be consolidated with the support of civil society.
The president explained that we should have “more programmes and activities that promote and protect our culture, our Creole language and our heritage. Better coordination between the National Sports Council and Seychelles National Youth Council to run more sports, recreational and educational activities for the development and empowerment of our young people. It is important that in the development of our districts we pay careful attention to the needs and desires of young Seychellois”.
President Faure emphasised that this year, government will double its effort to reinforce programmes in the community and to increase participation at district level.
“Emphasis will also be placed on educational programmes that will equip citizens with the skills to better manage their lives and homes. Furthermore, we will improve the services available to individuals with disabilities in order to give them a better quality of life. Today, I call upon all organisations that work with and within our communities to work even more closely together to reinforce social connection and cohesion.
“We need to continue this work to appreciate and revitalise our culture, our good moral values as a country, and place emphasis on the active participation of our citizens in their communities. Community renewal necessitates citizens taking responsibility for their community and forming part of the machinery to take decisions on the issues affecting their community.”
“The time has come for citizens to choose their district council through free and fair elections,” President Faure added.
He explained that the district council plays a key role in providing core local services for local communities.
“It will establish a vision for the country and will direct development at district-level. The district council has a great responsibility to bring people together and direct this community renewal. The law governing district councils came into force at the beginning of this week. In line with this law, giving responsibility to the President of the Republic to announce the election dates for the first district council elections, I am pleased to announce that the elections for the district council will be held on January 21, 22 and 23, 2021,” he said.