President Ramkalawan visits Anse Royale primary pupils |08 November 2023

President Wavel Ramkawalan made a one-hour stop at the Anse Royale primary school yesterday morning at the invitation of five P3 pupils who had written to him requesting his presence at their school.
The request by Raisa Afif, Sienna Oyugi, Kaylenn Quatre, Lexie Nanon and Ellie Nicole followed their class visit to State House last term. Unfortunately they were not able to meet the president who was away on other duties.
They opted to write a letter addressed to him with their specific request which also included a laptop scheme and creole dictionary for their school.
The visit started with a special assembly with morning prayers and national anthem.
The President was greeted by head teacher, Magda Rose, who thanked him for accepting the pupils’ invitation.
For his part the head of state said it was an honour to be at the school and had words of motivation for the pupils and a special mention for the five for their initiative.
“I want to thank the five pupils for inviting me to your school and it is always a pleasure to meet with you pupils and teachers. As much as I can, I will visit other schools around the island as well. I encourage you to concentrate in your studies, follow a positive lifestyle and to stay away from bad influences,” said the President.
He then followed the five to their P3 class for further interaction, in the presence of the deputy head for studies, Sanage Payet who is overseeing their class.
The pupils shared their experience following their visit to State House and questioned the president about his daily duties.
Speaking to Seychelles NATION, Ellie Nicole, 8, who had specifically requested for creole dictionary, said she was happy with the president’s response as he informed them that all schools will be getting the new creole dictionary. She expressed how glad she was that President Ramkalawan had made time for them.
As the P3 class was gifted with a smart television, the President announced that all the other classes will be given a smart television, to further assist them in their learning process.
It should be noted that Anse Royale primary is the second school visited by the head of state following Plaisance primary.
Before leaving the premises, the President had the opportunity to visit the construction site for the new Anse Royale crèche.
The accompanying photos show some highlights of President Ramkalawan’s visit to the Anse Royale primary school.
Patsy Canaya/press release from State House