New Bangladeshi HC, Filipino ambassador accredited |07 August 2019

HC Ahmed presenting her credential to President Faure
Two new diplomats who will be their countries’ representatives to Seychelles presented their credentials to President Danny Faure at State House yesterday morning.
Her Excellency Rezina Ahmed is the new high commissioner (HC) of Bangladesh to Seychelles and as a non-resident diplomat she is based in Mauritius. She replaces Abdul Manna Howlader who was accredited in August 2017.
His Excellency Alex Chua is the new ambassador of the Philippines to Seychelles and is based in Nairobi. He replaces Uriel Garibay who was accredited in October 2017.
Speaking to the press after meeting President Faure, HC Ahmed described relations between Bangladesh and Seychelles as very friendly and as members of the Commonwealth, the United Nations, Indian Ocean Rim as well as on different regional forum they continue to support each other and cooperate on different matters of mutual interest.
Bilateral relations between the two countries were also discussed at length and HC Ahmed revealed that an agreement on labour cooperation is being finalised by the Bangladeshi government as Seychelles has already submitted its final draft and is expected to be signed here soon.
She noted that with the signing of the agreement, the moratorium on recruitment of workers from Bangladesh will be lifted.
In terms of trade and business development HC Ahmed said: “We have not done much but we would like to cooperate in trade and business.”
She said Bangladesh is interested in developing its Blue economy sector but as it does not have expertise and technology it is interested in learning from Seychelles and to increase cooperation in that area.
Ambassador Chua for his part said even if Seychelles and the Philippines are two different countries on two different continents, they share the same commitment to democracy, social justice, development and progress.
With around four to five hundred Filipinos working and living here, Ambassador Chua said it was an opportunity to convey his government’s and his people’s appreciation for the warm hospitality and kind assistance extended to them over the years.
“I am proud to say that our nationals have provided valuable contributions to the economy, culture and social life of Seychelles,” Ambassador Chua pointed out.
He said he has reassured President Faure that during his mandate he hopes to succeed in his endeavour to further promote the existing bilateral relations between the two countries.
Furthermore Ambassador Chua said a labour agreement between the two countries for mutual protection of their workers are being finalised. An air services agreement is also in the making.
“This will increase people to people exchanges and it will also be more convenient for people from our two countries to visit each other,” Ambassador Chua stated.