Private sector helps school in the fight against Covid-19 |07 June 2021
To help in the fight against Covid-19 at the Perseverance north primary school, the Vijay Construction Company donated several wash basins last week.
The handover ceremony took place at the school on Children's Day in the presence of officials from the Ministry of Education and the school's partners.
To bring added cheer to the pupils on their special day, other partners joined in to show kindness and support.
The two district administrators of Perseverance 1 and 2 – Aaron Bonnelame and Nicole Gabriel respectively – who were also present, handed over fruits and juice to the pupils while Joseph Payet, the tuck-shop owner at the school, handed over several boxes of face masks.
Local business 99ShipChandler also made a generous contribution to help bring added joy on Children's Day. The business gave cupcakes and packets of juice to the pupils.
Speaking at the ceremony, the school's head teacher, Bernadette Maria, said with the opening of the school, there is a need to take care of both staff and pupils.
“These wash basins will enable the school community to put into practice the health recommendation ‘Lav lanmen pli souvan’,” she added.
She echoed words of thanks to all those who showed their kindness and continuous support, and to help bring a special touch to this year's Children's Day.
Miss Maria urged the pupils to be grateful for all they have received. She called on them to remember that Covid-19 is still affecting our country and that they will have to continue practising good hygiene and other health measures to ensure that they play their roles in the fight against the spread of Covid-19.
The accompanying photos show highlights of the handover ceremony.