Rosie Bistoquet unanimously re-elected Nars chairperson |18 November 2020

Rosie Bistoquet has been re-elected Nars’ chairperson
The registered members of the Nurses Association of the Republic of Seychelles (Nars) have re-elected a new executive committee for a two-year mandate – from 2020 to 2022.
Rosie Bistoquet has been unanimously re-elected as the chairperson while Beryl Valentin and Peggy Azemia are the secretary and treasurer respectively.
The ordinary members are Kenneth Barreau, Lise Agricole, Greg Vadivello, Jimmy Helene, Darius Jolicoeur, Marie Jenny Marie, Veronica Bresson, Bettina Asba, Monette Ernesta and June Jean.
The election took place on Friday November 13 at the Sheik Kalifa auditorium, Ministry of Health, Mont Fleuri, during the association’s annual general meeting.
Most members elected served on the outgoing board of 2014 and 2017.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, some members actively engaged into Covid-19 health response, prevention and continuum of care and services, but they voted through proxy in accordance to Nars’ standing orders.
Nars has thanked all its members for believing into the good performances of the association for the past two years and for re-electing Ms Bistoquet to serve into its third mandate as president of the association.
The association also thanked the Ministry of Health for its continued support.
A special thanks goes to the past executive board members, who have worked tirelessly as volunteers to support Nars’ philosophy and partake in all activities implemented throughout the two years, with the aim of bringing nursing care and services in Seychelles to greater heights.
Press release from Nars