President Faure invited to take part in World Economic Forum |06 July 2019

President Faure welcomes Dr Kanza at State House
President Danny Faure has accepted an invitation from the executive chairman of the World Economic Forum to attend the forum which will take place in Cape Town, South Africa from September 4-6, 2019.
World Economic Forum head of Africa, Dr Elsie Kanza, handed over the invitation to President Faure during a courtesy call yesterday morning at State House.
The World Economic Forum is the international organisation for public-private cooperation. The forum engages the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.
“The World Economic Forum is held annually and is an opportunity to gather community from around the continent as well as friends of Africa from around the world to see how they can make further progress on targets that have been set to deal with such complex issues facing societies like reducing plastics in the ocean and bring together different stakeholders to work on the solutions,” said Dr Kanza.
The last forum was held two years ago and Dr Kanza noted that this will be the first time that President Faure will be attending the forum, so it was important to brief him on the overall organisation of the meeting.
Dr Kanza also stated that something important that the president noted was how Africa can prepare for the fourth industrial evolution which is a key concern for the world economic forum globally.
“These new forms of technologies such as artificial intelligence are fast transforming the way we live, work our economies and societies and it is important for Africa to have a clear agenda so that it can ensure that Africans can benefit from these technologies as well as to mitigate the downside as there are risks associated with these technologies,” said Dr Kanza.
Regarding what the president will be discussing at the forum, Dr Kanza said: “Seychelles is a global leader in driving the blue economy agenda, this is an area where Seychelles is a model for the world and it is important to share how Seychelles has achieved this leadership with other leaders of Africa and how other countries can do the same and follow suit.”