Soroptimist club makes strides against cancer |08 October 2020

A large group of people dressed in pink took to Beau Vallon beach yesterday afternoon to take part in the annual Cancer Beach Walk organised by the Soroptimist International Club of Victoria.
This year, on account of the Covid-19 pandemic, only members of the club together with close partners participated in the walk while observing guidelines from the department of health.
The aim of the walk is to raise awareness on the importance of being tested for cancer, show support and solidarity to the people and families suffering from cancer and raise funds for projects relating to cancer.
Rose-Marie Hoareau, PR officer for the Soroptimist club, noted that one of their main projects is the oncology ward at the Seychelles Hospital.
“We've spent a lot of money renovating and furnishing the ward so we can make the patients’ time more comfortable while awaiting treatment. The ongoing fundraising we are doing now is to upkeep the ward,” Ms Hoareau said.
She added that one of the club’s wishes is for the hospital to have a separate ward for cancer patients who have to stay overnight for treatment.
“Currently patients are kept in the normal wards which makes them more prone to infections as their immune system is susceptibly low, so having a ward for only cancer patients will minimise the risks of infections and make them more comfortable,” she said.
She added that this will not necessarily happen overnight but it's something that the club is passionate about and is raising funds so that one day it can happen.
Mrs Hoareau also noted that this year due to Covid constraints they could not have their usual activities such as selling of ribbons in town, but she added that they will still have their sale during the weekend in areas in town such as at Cold Storage, Market Street and a few other places.
“Some very generous companies have also allowed us to put donation boxes in their establishments, among which are Teemooljee and Skychef. All in all despite the restrictions and hardships we are all facing we are only asking people to donate what they can,” she said.
Besides cancer related projects the Soroptimist club is also involved with other activities in the community. One project that the club is working on in partnership with Caritas at the moment is an initiative which provides free breakfast for vulnerable kids.
“One of our mandates as a Soroptimist is to take care of women and children so when Caritas approached us we were very happy to help,” she said.
With the help of sponsors both charity groups are able to provide a healthy breakfast to between thirty and fifty students.
She noted that the project has the capability to expand to other schools but more volunteers will be needed, adding that anyone who wishes to join them can contact the club on its facebook page.
She ended by thanking all sponsors who over the last twenty five years have supported the club.
“Without these sponsorships and donations we would not have been able to do the work that we do,” Mrs Hoareau said, adding that members of the public also play a big role towards the success of the club by buying ribbons and helping in fund raising activities.
The accompanying photos taken by our photographer Thomas Meriton show some highlights of the beach walk yesterday.
Christophe Zialor