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Praslin resident still classified a Covid-19 positive |15 September 2020

Public Health Commissioner, Dr Jude Gedeon, has said that the Praslin resident who on Saturday September 12, 2020 tested positive for the Covid-19 virus, is symptomatic, meaning he is still showing symptoms of the virus though additional tests conducted on him on Sunday have come back negative.

Dr Gedeon has described the health condition of the 57-year-old man as stable though he is experiencing some minor classic respiratory problems which according to him indicates he (the patient) has virus infection in the lungs.

He explained that the patient, who tested positive in the first place, came out negative following further tests due to inadequate collection of virus material or negative shedding of the virus at the time of collecting new samples.

He noted that in the first test, four genes in his genetic code were targeted which all came out positive for Covid-19 infection.

So Dr Gedeon wishes to convey to the public that depending on individual response to an infection and the stage at which the infection has reached, that is the length of time that an individual has had symptoms, testing will show varying results.

He added that the negative results of the patient, following his third test, does not make his positive result invalid given the fact that he is symptomatic.

While, the latest test done on the individual has come back negative, he remains an active case and he will continue to be treated at the centre and undergo further testing, until he is discharged from the isolation centre and treatment centre at the Family Hospital.

Dr Gedeon said that up to now 88 people with close contact with the patient, including work colleagues, health and family members, are in quarantine in centres at the Oasis Hotel and Pension Fund Complex on Praslin, and at the Villa Des Flots on La Digue.

As reported before, that the 57-year-old Praslinois had no recent history of travelling overseas, to Mahé or even La Digue, Dr Gedeon stated that it was discovered that he did make a trip to La Digue and this is why six people he had close contact with are in quarantine at the Villa Des Flots.

He said that up to now all of the close contacts, identified by the contact tracing team, have returned negative results for initial Covid-19 tests.

Following detection of the virus last Saturday, the man was successfully transferred to Mahé to the isolation and treatment centre on Ile Persévérance, with the help of the Seychelles Air Force, for further care.

In addition, Dr Gedeon said that medical investigations conducted following the sudden death of a Praslin resident recently, has revealed that his death was not related to Covid-19 as all tests came out negative.

Following comments on social media that decisions taken by the Public Health Authority are politically motivated, Dr Gedeon reiterated that decisions taken by the Public Health Authority are purely on medical grounds and not political.

More information on the Covid-19 situation in the country will be given in the press update on September 17, 2020.


Patrick Joubert / Public Health Authority


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