Health authorities respond to new Covid-19 case |07 September 2020
A 43-year-old visitor was admitted to the isolation and treatment centre in Perseverance on Saturday night after testing positive for Covid-19.
The new positive case was detected by the Public Health Authority after routine exit screening of passengers travelling outside of Seychelles.
He arrived in the country from Dubai on Thursday September 3, 2020 and was travelling with his partner who has tested negative and is asymptomatic. They both underwent testing on Saturday to facilitate their exit of the country.
The contact tracing team is conducting follow up investigations to identify people who have had possible contact with the new case.
Members of the public are advised to maintain the practices of public health measures to limit the spread of Covid-19.
• Wash hands frequently with soap and water or sanitise with an alcohol-based hand rub.
• Maintain physical distance of 1m from others.
• Avoid crowded places.
• Wear a mask in public spaces and where there is a gathering of many people.
Press release from the department of health