Screening and pap smear tests organised for the ladies |18 May 2020

Through the page ‘The Ladies of the Islands’, many activities are being organised and proposed to the ladies. One such initiative took place last Saturday when the chief nursing officer at the Seychelles Hospital, Gylian Mein, organised for women to come do their pap smear tests. The Ministry of Health assisted with the facility.
Ms Mein noted that “We had quite a number of women aged 26 to 50 who seized the opportunity and came for their pap smear test. We started at 9.30am and completed the tests by 2.30pm. We also received the assistance of the reproductive health nurses to conduct the pap smear tests today. The ladies had a full examination including breasts. We also had Dr Estico who was assisting with referral.”
The ones who were able to do this activity were very happy and shared their feelings online:
“The nurses were very patient and very understanding. It was a good initiative. This should be done every year.”
“Very good initiative! For the first time in my life I did a pap smear test and did not feel scared. The nurses were gentle and nice.”
During this ‘new-normal’ way of life, if you know you can help others, please give it a try. You will be amazed by the response!
Vidya Gappy
Photo credit: Gylian Mein