International Day of Families, May 15 |16 May 2020

Minister Larue hands over the donation to Ms Dang Kow (Photo: Louis Toussaint)
Nurse manager for maternity accepts tokens for newborns from Minister Larue
For the 3rd year running the Minister for Family Affairs had been expected to visit the newborn babies and their parents at the Maternity Ward yesterday, May 15 which is the International Day of Families, giving them a small token of appreciation.
But this year because of restrictions in place in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, Minister Mitcy Larue received the head of the Maternity Ward, Marie Josée Dang Kow at the Family House at Bel Eau to hand over to her the tokens which she would in turn distribute to the parents of the newborns.
Present to witness the short handover were the heads of the different departments and agencies that fall under the Ministry of Family Affairs.
Speaking before the handover, Minister Larue congratulated the mothers who have given birth on International Day of Families especially the new mothers.
“A child is a precious gift from God please take good care of him/her and from today develop the special bonds with your child,” Minister Larue stated.
To all families Minister Larue reassured them that the Ministry of Family Affairs at the Family House is always there to listen to them and support them in any kind of life situation they find themselves in.
“You are always welcomed at the Family House so do not stay alone but seek help whenever you feel the need as our officials are always available to listen to you,” said Minister Larue.
Minister Larue has called on all families in Seychelles to remain together, to be resilient and to be strong and united in the face of all adversities especially the face of the upheaval in our lives caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thanking Minister Larue and her team on behalf of the Ministry of Health Ms Dang Kow expressed heartfelt gratitude to her for thinking of the newborns on this auspicious day.
Ms Dang Kow said altogether up to around noon yesterday two boys and a girl had come into the world with more babies expected to be born later yesterday.
Marie-Anne Lepathy