International Public Service Day |22 June 2019

President Faure
President calls for a more innovative public service
“As our economy becomes more complex and diverse, with rising expectations, the public service must become more innovative in using modern technology for greater efficiency.”
President Danny Faure said this in his message on the occasion of the International Public Service Day which will be celebrated tomorrow, June 23.
The full text of President Faure’s message reads:
“On June 23, Seychelles joins the international community in celebrating Public Service Day. On that day we honour those men and women, who each and every day devote themselves tirelessly in their work places to improve the lives of our citizens and advance our national interests.
“The 2019 theme for Public Service Day is ‘Achieving People Focused Public Service through Innovation and Effective Service Delivery’.
“I consider this theme to be especially appropriate in the Seychelles context. The public service is a facilitator that sets the enabling framework within which the public and private sectors, and civil society, can all participate in nation building and meeting the needs of our citizens.
“The public service has both regulatory and service functions, and it is vital that those who serve in it remain guided by its code of ethics, and that they observe high standards of excellence and delivery.
“As our economy becomes more complex and diverse, with rising expectations, the public service must become more innovative in using modern technology for greater efficiency. Public servants and institutions must adapt to these new dynamics, by building and updating capacity, to ensure that public officers continue to discharge their responsibilities smartly, with confidence and efficiency.
“I take this opportunity to thank all public servants for their continued dedication to the service of our citizens and all those who visit and work in our country. Your dedication is greatly appreciated. Ultimately, it is the satisfaction of those whom we serve that will determine how successful we have been, so let us work diligently to continue earning their trust and confidence.”