COVID-19 pandemic - Everybody’s engagement and commitment needed to break the chain of transmission |09 April 2020

To prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the community, each and every individual should play their role in respecting the new measures aimed at limiting movements by avoiding leaving their homes and getting into contact with others.
The new measures are crucial in the process of efficient contact tracing and also to break the chain of transmission, Public Health Commissioner Dr Jude Gedeon explained on Thursday during a press conference to give the latest updates on the pandemic at local level.
In exercise of the powers conferred by regulation 7, 7C, 8, 9 and 13A of the Public Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations (S.I. 8 of 1960), the Public Health Commissioner ordered that for twenty-one (21) days starting from midnight of April 8, 2020 to midnight of April 29, 2020, the country will be subjected to a period restriction on movement, mass gatherings and business operations.
The new measures being implemented with immediate effects will complement those already in place, including tracing of all contacts starting from the close ones and admitting them in a quarantine facility where they will be monitored for 14 days, isolation and active investigation of any contact who is showing COVID-19 symptoms or signs.
Until Thursday, there were 10 patients at the Perseverance Isolation Centre. One of them is free of the virus but is still at the centre accompanying her husband. As for the other patient who had tested positive for COVID-19, she is now cured is in quarantine.
Te quarantine facility at the Berjaya Beau Vallon Bay Resort was hosting 70 patients on observation.
The two other quarantine facilities, namely the Maison Football at Roche Caïman and the Seychelles Coast Guard Base at Perseverance are presently empty.
Most of the people on home quarantine will be officially discharged on Friday April 10, 2020.