Let’s stop the labelling culture of our ‘children in Homes’ |26 November 2019
Social Services Division gathered children from the three Roman Catholic Children’s Homes for a sensitisation activity as part of their ongoing activities to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
The activity under the theme ‘Exploring My Identity – Expressing My Views’ focused on the Convention’s “Articles. 7, 8 and 13–17 Rights of the child to a name and nationality, to know and be cared for by his or her parents and to his or her identity” and “Article. 12 Rights of the child to be listened to, and taken seriously” through participatory culture.
Topics covered with the help of facilitators, who are all social workers, were to strengthen the children’s sense of belonging by rehashing who they are, and also, to build up their self-esteem and guide their decisions for their future.
Director for Social Services Beryl Laboudallon stressed on the need to break the stereotype and labelling culture of children in homes, instigated by adults.
“Every child has a right to a name, they have needs like any other children and we must empower them as a child in their own rights as stated within the UNCRC,” Ms Laboudallon said.
The activity mainly touched positive experiences and their aspiration for their future to denote their identity.
Following Seychelles’ last report on the progress made towards the realisation of children’s rights in the country, one of the recommendations from the UN Committee remains deeply concerned that no law has been enacted to ensure the right of children born out of wedlock to know their biological father which is significant to their identity. Social Services Division considers implementing the Committee’s recommendation to be difficult owing to sociocultural aspects where either the father do not acknowledge their child or the mother deprives the child of knowing their biological father.
Despite the challenges Social Services Division under the aegis of Ministry of Family Affairs and partners continue to advocate for policy and mindset change as we collectively create the conducive environment to allow children of Seychelles to live their rights.
Press release from the Ministry of Family Affairs