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Faith-based prison volunteers hold first meeting for 2024 with prison management |21 February 2024

Faith-based prison volunteers hold first meeting for 2024 with prison management

Photo of the group meeting at the prison headquarters, SPS Montagne Posée (Photo: Contributed)

Representatives from various religious groups have met with the Seychelles Prison service management to get an update of the service from the commissioner of prisons, and discuss concerns and suggestions on the continued promotion of faith-based activities.   

The meeting at the service’s headquarters, in Montagne Posée, on Monday February 19, 2024 was the first for the year and was chaired by the Commissioner of Prisons, Raymond St Ange.

It provided an opportunity for the prison service to update the volunteers about prison operations to date and new facilities that are being planned. 

The support provided by religious and faith groups to convicted inmates and those on remand is pivotal under the care and responsibility of the prison service.

As such it is recognised under Rules 65 and 66 of the Nelson Mandela Rules for the humane treatment of prisoners, which relate to religion and access by inmate. Therefore the opportunities provided by these volunteers is held to high importance and is much appreciated.

Understanding this however, the group of volunteers raised concerns regarding the number of inmates who actually participate, and noted that the participation by foreign inmates was higher than that of locals. Those on remand are also more involved in the activities.

It was therefore agreed that those volunteering would step up their efforts, and for its part the prison service, would reinforce inmate to staff positive contacts through a renewed and positive approach.

The faith-based group also made its commitment to work with the SPS Amitié youth offenders’ facility on Praslin, stating the importance of engaging with those youth who face incarceration. 

To address other urgent matters it was agreed that prison leadership would meet with faith-based volunteers in a month’s time, on March 18, 2024 instead of once every quarter. 

Meanwhile, activities for this Lenten season into Easter for Christians and Ramadan for practicing Muslims are the next major events per the planed calendar of events. 

To date the Roman Catholic Church, the Islamic Society of Seychelles, Seventh Day Adventist, Pentecostal Church of Seychelles, and the Jehovah Witness, take part officially with the prison service religious and spiritual faith-based programme.   

Pastor Linda Elizabeth who promotes ‘Virtuous Women’ mission, holds one session every month with female inmates.  

As always, interested groups who may wish to officially be part of the ‘Faith-based’ approach are welcomed to contact Elsa Nourrice, principal probation officer and head of the psychosocial and rehabilitation department of the prison service on 4380201.



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