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A message to all public officers for the Year 2024   |04 January 2024

A message to all public officers for the Year 2024   

Shella Mohideen

‘A pledge to excellence’


“As we stand on the cusp of a new year, poised at the threshold of limitless possibilities, it is with great pride and gratitude that I extend my sincere appreciation to each public officer for your unwavering dedication and service to the citizens of Seychelles.

“In the past year, your commitment has been the cornerstone of our collective achievements. Your tireless efforts, resilience, and professionalism have not only upheld the principles of public service but have also contributed significantly to the betterment of our nation.

“To those who have given their best, I commend you for your exemplary work and steadfast commitment. Your contributions have not gone unnoticed, and Seychelles is better because of you!

“However, let us not rest on past laurels. As we step into 2024, let this be a year of renewed determination and a commitment to achieving even greater heights. To those who could have done better, I encourage you to reflect on the immense responsibility we bear in serving our fellow citizens. Strive for excellence in every task, for it is through our collective efforts that we can truly make a difference.

“This year calls for a renewed sense of purpose and a rededication to the ideals of public service. It is a time for each public officer to rise to the occasion, to up their game, and to deliver outcomes that reflect the highest standards of professionalism.

”To our esteemed management teams, I urge you to take a proactive role in nurturing the well-being of your employees. By fostering a supportive and encouraging environment, we can unlock the full potential of our public officers. Monitor their work output, provide constructive feedback, and empower them to reach new levels of productivity.

“Our commitment to the citizens of Seychelles demands nothing less than our very best. Let us approach this year with renewed vigour, embracing the challenges as opportunities for growth and improvement. Together, let us continue to be the driving force behind the progress and prosperity of our nation.

“Wishing you all a year filled with achievements, advancements, and a shared commitment to serving the people of Seychelles.”


Shella Mohideen

Chief Secretary

Public Service Bureau


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