Christmas Day message |26 December 2023

President Ramkalawan
President shares word of courage with December 7 disaster victims
In his Christmas Day message this year President Wavel Ramkalawan made it a point to remember the victims of the December 7 disasters and share a word of courage with them.
“I know that the events of December 7 are still vivid in people’s minds. Many are still having nightmares and home is no longer the same. I therefore take advantage of this Christmas time to share a word of courage with all families who have been affected. I wish once more to reassure you that with the assistance of the state and the help of other people and countries, we will work to accompany you, to hold your hand to get through this bad episode,” President Ramkalawan said in his message which was broadcast on radio and television on Christmas eve.
The full text of President Ramkalawan’s message reads:
“Christmas has become a universal feast-day celebrated in the majority of countries across the world. For Christians it has great religious meaning, because it is the day that Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus, Saviour and Messiah of humanity.
“But Christmas has become that moment when people show their gratitude to each other and it becomes a time when a little gift is shared. That little present, a Christmas card or a message with good wishes, expresses the love and appreciation of one person towards another, and touches every heart.
“This Christmas will not be the same for many families in our beautiful country, Seychelles : Some families will either think of the loved one who left them during the course of this year, some misfortune that occurred, the commemoration of the first year of absence of a family member or a friend, or for other reasons.
“I know that the events of December 7 are still vivid in people’s minds. Many are still having nightmares and home is no longer the same. I therefore take advantage of this Christmas time to share a word of courage with all families who have been affected. I wish once more to reassure you that with the assistance of the state and the help of other people and countries, we will work to accompany you, to hold your hand to get through this bad episode.
“When I think of Christmas, I also think that the birth which we are celebrating took place in a stable. Meaning, in a strange place. It did not happen at home. This also will be the reality of certain people, because they are still staying in a place which is not home. But I also think that in this incident there were good-hearted people who showed compassion and love.
“And so I am using this Christmas time to express, once again, appreciation to everyone who left their place of comfort to help a brother, a sister, a child, a family in those difficult moments. Your compassion, devotion and love have truly turned into a gift itself. I simply want to say Thank You and may God bestow all blessings upon you.
“Yes, Christians see Christmas as a sign of hope for humanity because the force of evil and sin is defeated and the light conquers the dark. Let us rebuild what has been destroyed and let us focus on a better tomorrow where love, peace, joy and wisdom will fill our hearts.
“In this Christmas celebration, let us give God the greatest gift : Let us give Him our hearts and let Him transform these same hearts so they are filled with a real spirit to serve others, sow unity, spread love and make us all live in greater solidarity when we love our neighbour as we love ourselves. Let the light of the Star of hope shine upon us and guide us all.
“May God reign over our country and in the hearts of all our citizens.
“Happy Christmas to all Seychellois.”