EU ambassador calls on Speaker of the National Assembly |09 October 2023

Speaker Mancienne presents a token of appreciation to Ambassador Benedikt
The head of the European Union (EU) delegation to Mauritius and Seychelles, Oskar Benedikt, paid a courtesy call on the Speaker of the National Assembly, Roger Mancienne, on Wednesday last week.
The Speaker was accompanied by the Clerk of the Assembly, Tania Isaac, and the deputy Clerk, Alexandria Faure.
Speaker Mancienne welcomed Ambassador Benedikt to Seychelles, noting that his presence was of much importance in continuing the good relationship between Seychelles and the European Union.
The ambassador thanked the speaker in kind, remarking that the EU shared many fundamental principles with Seychelles such as that of democracy, rule of law, and the importance of human rights.
As part of his visit, Ambassador Benedikt discussed the close contact being established with government ministries, civil society groups, and of course the National Assembly.
The ambassador noted that an important part of his visit was to convey the realities of the nation’s statistics and strengthen the mutual interests between the EU and Seychelles, such as the sustainable fishing industry, maritime security efforts, and the stability of political peace and democracy.
The ambassador thoroughly reassured the speaker that, despite the size of the country, Seychelles was an important global actor that holds much significance for the EU.
Particularly, the active engagement of Seychelles in the voting on International Standards, contributions on the importance of maritime security, piracy, and terrorism, and the active roles Seychelles has undertaken in the promotion of sustainable fisheries.
During the ceremony, Speaker Mancienne thanked Ambassador Benedikt and also presented him with a token of appreciation before the meeting concluded.
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