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Ferox Feed raises concerns over animal feed containing antibiotics |26 September 2023

Ferox Feed raises concerns over animal feed containing antibiotics

In light of the recent reports and circulating accompanying images, we urgently want to warn everyone. These images claim to demonstrate that the imported animal feed from AFGRI in South Africa contains Zinc Bacitracin – an antibiotic and growth promoter. 

The use of antibiotics as growth promoters in livestock farming began in the mid-20th century. However, over the past two decades, many developed countries, such as the EU in 2007 (Bacitracin 2009), the USA in 2017, and China in 2020, have banned these practices. The primary reason for the ban is the concern over the transfer of trace amounts of antibiotics into the natural environment during farming processes and/or into the human food chain when the final products are consumed. This transfer can contribute to developing Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), which affects livestock and/or humans. 

Throughout the past four decades, we have actively engaged in agriculture in Seychelles, and strict regulations have been in place to prevent the unsupervised use of antibiotics in the food chain. The National BioSecurity Agency, now operating under the Department of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Health have diligently enforced these regulations through ingredient checks before issuing import permit approvals and regular product testing post-arrival. Local producers have successfully maintained an antibiotic-free food chain (only used for treatment with proper oversight), ensuring the well-being of those self-conscious residents who solely consume local livestock. 

It is truly perplexing that the authorities responsible for regulating the minimal use of antibiotics in the local food chain may have granted themselves an import permit for antibiotic-laced feed without proper oversight. This possible oversight failure puts our population at risk when many countries strive to enhance their public health through outright bans of antibiotic-based growth promoters. Given the current circumstances regarding their inability to provide adequate scientific veterinary support, the impact of this possible lapse in judgment is alarming. We dread the potential national consequences of the emergence of a superbug within the local livestock flocks and herds and possible transmission to the wildlife populations. 

Moreover, it is essential to raise the alarm among public health authorities who have been sounding alarms about the excessive use and dispensing of antibiotics at pharmacies due to fears of antibiotic resistance and the prevalence of bacteria in the domestic healthcare sector and the local population. It would be contradictory to allow the introduction of low levels of antibiotics into our food chain while efforts are being made to control unnecessary antibiotic usage. 

Lastly, these actions pose a significant threat to the survival of the local livestock farming sector. Following its collapse in 2008, this sector has been re-established and thrived based on our ability to carefully regulate what enters our population's food chain only through monitoring local production. With one move, this will shatter the entire competitive advantage of local production by creating doubt in the minds of our loyal consumers about the health risks previously associated only with imported meat and eggs. We will never be able to compete with the prices of imported meats. Hence, the Seychelles livestock sector should aim to cater to clients and businesses that prioritise their personal and customer health.

In light of these concerns, Ferox Feed Pty Ltd would like to reiterate our commitment to manufacturing only antibiotic-free products for all our commercial farmer clients and the general public. We are looking into ways to establish acknowledgement to farmers who purchase 100% antibiotic-free feed from our company. With the hopes that conscious local clients, catering businesses and tourist establishments may be made aware of which produce they purchase meets their safety requirements.

We also plan to introduce labelling for locally produced farmer's products. Under this initiative, we will oversee the entire production cycle, including feed intake, to ensure that it is free from antibiotics and growth hormones and is non-GMO raised. With the entry of our governmental regulators into the feed market, we encourage them to maintain the same regulations they previously enforced on us while working towards their business interests. 

Ferox Feed remains steadfast in supplying reliable fresh feed at the best quality to promote our company's and clients' values. Despite the challenging circumstances, we are determined to support the success of the agriculture sector by prioritising quality produce for their customers above all.


Herve Morin-Adeline

Managing director

Ferox Feed Pty Ltd


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