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Message from Seychelles United Movement to mark the UN’s International Day of police cooperation   |07 September 2023

A call to respect andsupport our police force



“As we mark the United Nations inaugural International Day of PoliceCooperation on September 7, the Seychelles United Movement acknowledges andappreciates the dedication and sacrifices of our police officers who work tirelessly to ensureour safety and security. Our men and women in uniform are on the front lines every day, facingchallenges and risks to protect our communities. We today, call for collective responsibility asa nation, to ensure that they serve with honour, integrity, and highest standards ofprofessionalism.

“Respecting the integrity of our police officers is of paramount importance. We must ensure thatthey can perform their duties without fear of undue interference or political influence. A policeforce that operates with integrity is better equipped to serve and protect our communitiesimpartially, fostering trust and cooperation among citizens. As we celebrate the commendablework of our police force, we must also reflect on the responsibility that comes with their vitalrole in society. Policing is not just a profession; it's a sacred duty to uphold justice, protect thevulnerable, and preserve the rule of law.

“On this auspicious occasion, the Seychelles United Movement is reminded of the fact that thepolice serve the public, and that service must be rooted in trust, transparency, andaccountability. The bond between our police force and our community is essential formaintaining peace and justice. It is a partnership that should be built on mutual respect andunderstanding.

“Seychelles United Movement calls for greater transparency in policing, ensuring that lawenforcement agencies are held to the highest standards of accountability. Accountability fosterstrust, and trust is the cornerstone of a strong and harmonious society. We also acknowledgethe challenges our police officers face, including the need for proper continuous training,resources, and support. It is our duty as responsible leaders to provide them with the necessarymodern tools, adequate funding, access to latest technology and support they need to carry outtheir duties effectively; empowering them to respond effectively to new challenges andemerging threats while upholding the highest standards of professionalism.

“In recognition of this significant day therefore, the Seychelles United Movement urges the government to prioritise the well-being, integrity, training, and equipping of our police officersand invest in their professional development. We are reminded ultimately, that a well-trainedand well-supported police force benefits us all.”


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