Panafricare clinic first to be internationally accredited By Laura Pillay |19 August 2023

Founder and CEO of the Panafricare clinic, Dr Todorovic
Panafricare clinic by Dr Todorovic is the only clinic in Seychelles to be internationally accredited, having met the healthcare quality standards of European accreditation body, Temos International Healthcare.
The clinic is also the only such institution in Eastern Africa to be accredited by the German authority, for the outpatient and ambulatory services to its patients.
Seychelles NATION had a chat with Dr MiodragTodorovic, chief executive and founder of the clinic about the grand accomplishment.
Significance of accreditation
Founded in 2010, Temos International Health Care Accreditation, neutrally assesses, evaluates and validates the quality of medical and non-medical services, to identify potential for improvements, and to optimise medical quality as well as the quality of services in the institution, with the overall aim to assure a continuum of care for patients.
“It is important for everyone. Not only for our institution, but for everyone, every institution, particularly in the health sector, that an external body can give proof to clients and patients that the institution is at the top level of international standards, that you pass this critical line, which means safety and the outcome of treatments is at international level,” Dr Todorovic stated.
The doctor has over his career occupied numerous positions in the health sector, and places much emphasis on healthcare management. He admitted to having past experience with leading a healthcare institution to accreditation, during his years in Mauritius with the former Appollo Bramwell hospital in Mauritius.
“After that experience, I understood one thing, that the accreditation made the staff not only proud and knowledgeable, but functioning, almost like a rotary mechanism in a watch. After that point, once this is established and maintained, everything works like clockwork,” he said.
“It relieves in many areas, management pressure, and non-stop control. On the other hand, it improves the efficiency of the service to a major extent, leads to savings and to the outside world, gives to the patient safety confirmation and good treatment outcomes, and the reassurance that this institution really does what is expected of it,” Dr Todorovic added.
The journey to accreditation, amid the challenges
Dr Todorovic prides himself for an organisational culture whereby each employee is valued, and undergoes continuous training programmes, towards further improvements. The doctor, along with his nine staff, work together to formulate organisational policies, ensuring that every aspect of the business is covered.
Employees undergo training in international safety goals for patients, risk-management in medical clinics, policy writing and policy compliance, how to measure it and how to record and bring proof and such, and everyone knows this.
Each staff member has some managerial responsibility.
The clinic applied for accreditation last year, after having perfected their internal policies.
“What we want to do is to really be matching international level. This is the aim,” said Dr Todorovic.
“I am at the age where I want to put a crown on something that I have done all my life. Additionally, it is to contribute to the quality of healthcare. I strongly believe that being the first clinic, in the sea of many private entrepreneurial activities in health, can be an example to show others that it is a possible achievement, that it is raising the bar, for others to follow,” Dr Todorovic said.
Despite the unique challenges in Seychelles’ health industry, Dr Todorovic’s primary interest is the health of the nation, who should be able to access quality service when in need of healthcare, locally.
Among the various challenges that have made achieving accreditation status a little more arduous than international counterparts are supply chain complexities on account of Seychelles’ geographical location, as well as the sheer scarcity of professionals.
Funding and securing investment, especially international investments, has also proved to be difficult, considering the small market.
The Panafricare team comprises four doctors, including Dr Todorovic himself, who is also a cardiothoracic surgeon. Additionally there are three nurses, two cleaners and an administrator.
The clinic’s accreditation is valid for a three-year period, on condition that it updates Temos International on quality indicators and improvements every six months.