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Football   |16 August 2023


The delegates in a souvenir photo with the instructors and SFF representatives (Photo: Neil Sirame)

15 local referees boost knowledge through five-day Fifa course


With ongoing changes and amended rules within the game of football, 15 local referees are presently following a five-day training to boost their knowledge so that they remain abreast of the recent amendments in terms of sport’s rules and regulations.

The training, which is taking place at the Maison Football, Roche Caïman, is being facilitated by Fédération internationale de football association (Fifa) instructors Marwa Hancy from Tunisia – a physical instructor – and Victor Gomes from South Africa who is a referee development officer, along with Seychelles Football Federation’s (SFF) chairman of the referees committee Jason Damoo.

The training was officially launched by vice-chairman of the SFF, Dolor Ernesta, in the presence of chief executive Denis Rose and executive committee members.

In his remarks, Mr Ernesta noted that although football is evolving rapidly and new technology is being brought into the game, the human aspect still remains a crucial factor.

He said the training is like climbing the steps of a ladder, acquiring new knowledge for the love of football.

“We wish that in the future there are more referees taking part in such courses as we know there are more of you,” said Mr Ernesta who also congratulated the delegates for reaching this far in their refereeing career, expecting more  good performances and results.

He also congratulated the two female officials out of the 15, while urging more females to join, since Fifa is emphasising on women’s football all around the world.

Mr Ernesta further added that with new technology implemented in football, there is still the need for officials to administer and monitor these technologies; while raising the level of our officials will positively impact the level of the game in the country.

“When spectators are watching a match they do not just evaluate the teams and players on the field but also the officials,” added Mr Ernesta, who further noted that the country needs referees who understand the rules of the game and have good knowledge of the technologies.

Speaking to Sports NATION, referee development officer Gomes said the aim of the course is to refresh the local referees with the new amendments in the regulations.

“Once a year we come and discuss the new laws and how to implement them in the game, while we update the referees on the different changes and also host examinations and physical tests during the course,” explained Mr Gomes.

He explained that each day will be divided into two sessions whereby the theory part will take place in the morning, with the afternoon sessions reserved for the practical elements of the training.

He added that they will also meet the country’s young referees to see how they can be groomed for the future of the sport.

Local referee Noris Arrisol said the training is to refresh their knowledge and also for the instructor to assess their abilities.

He added that this course will also help the local referees to renew their license for the year 2024.

“It will benefit us in learning the new approach asked by Fifa and it will help in our career and in the new season which starts in September,” added Arrisol.


Neil Sirame

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