14 sets of twins at Perseverance secondary school honoured |05 August 2023
The Perseverance secondary school celebrated Twins Day at their school on Wednesday, to honour the fourteen sets of twins at their establishment.
Twins Day is an international celebration that takes place during the first weekend of August and is aimed at celebrating the uniqueness of fraternal and identical twins, and highlight their similarities and differences.
Twins are considered as unique miracles and last year, Carol Athanacius, one of the teachers at the Perseverance secondary school, decided it was about time they also honour their sets of twins.
“Ever since the school opened in 2018, there has been a high level of twins but we have recorded the most twins in the history of the school this year. It is an impressive number and I felt it would be good to hold this special activity for them and show the country how special they are to us,” she said.
According to Miss Athanacius there are seven sets of boys, three sets of girl and four sets mixed. The Science Technology teacher, who is also an eco-school leader, sought the support of the school’s management to be able to pull off the activity this week, which included fun and games such as Twin Besties competition, volleyball and football among others.
They also received goody bags provided by generous sponsors including Piger Vita, Office Supplies Seychelles, Cable and Wireless and Chez Deenu.
Some parents were also present at Wednesday’s event to share their experience about raising twins.
The activity was in line with this year's school theme, ‘fer lekol gou’, and to show their love and support, other classmates and teachers also dressed up in identical clothes.
Seychelles NATION brings you photos of the fourteen sets of twins at the school.
Diane Larame
Photos provided by Perseverance secondary school