Cabinet approves implementation of Tourism Environmental Sustainability levy as from August |07 July 2023

Vice-President Afif during the press conference
Two policy memoranda were approved at this week’s cabinet meeting on Wednesday, chaired by President Wavel Ramkalawan.
Details of the meeting were given yesterday at the weekly cabinet press briefing by Vice- President Ahmed Afif at State House.
He stated that cabinet approved the implementation of the Tourism Environmental Sustainability levy effective August, 2023.
A three tiered approach will be implemented with per person payment of R25 for small sized hotels, R75 for medium sized hotels or R100 for large hotels. Specifics will be announced later on by the respective ministry.
The exemptions for children below 12, airline staff and locals will be maintained.
Vice-President Afif said that upon discussion of the levy being R75 across all establishments, the government took into account concerns and points put forward such as difference in the size of establishments. “The government listened to these concerns, and came to a decision for the payment to be R25, R75 or R100, which is probably the more effective and agreeable for the moment,” he said.
The cabinet of ministers also approved for Seychelles to accede to the Revised Kyoto Convention for the simplification and harmonisation of customs procedures. The ‘Revised Kyoto Convention’ is an international agreement that provides a set of comprehensive Customs procedures to facilitate legitimate international trade while effecting Customs controls.
Vice-President Afif said that with the known benefits that this brings it also allows Seychelles to be seen as a country that is modernising and is adopting the international standard. “In doing this, it increases the possibility of getting more technical assistance with associations. International investors will feel comfortable investing as procedure in Seychelles aligns with that of the rest of the world,” he said. He explained this would not change or affect the current customs procedures here in Seychelles.
The cabinet on Wednesday was also briefed on the Seychelles Electronic ID Use and Digital Signature. Vice-President said that this is also a step towards the country’s effort at digitalisation, which can make the online interaction more reliable and easy. The electronic ID will be stored on an electronic device and not as a physical document.
“We will be implementing this by phase, as the first phase is to get everyone familiar with the system,” said Vice-President Afif.
Cabinet also expressed gratitude to the ministries, departments and agencies for their support during the recent public meetings across the country.
He conveyed special appreciation to the Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs and the Police that ensured the smooth running of the meetings.
According to a State House press release, the President emphasised the need for action on decisions taken during the meetings.
Cabinet also congratulated the National Organising Committee chaired by Designated Minister Jean-François Ferrari for the success of the Constitution and National Day celebrations. According to the cabinet, the activities took place in a joyful and disciplined atmosphere.
Diane Larame/State House press release
Photo: Louis Toussaint