Kuwaiti ambassador pays courtesy call on President Faure |04 October 2019

President Faure welcomes Ambassador Alsehaijan to State House
The ambassador of the State of Kuwait to the Republic of Seychelles, Mubarak Mohammad Alsehaijan, paid a courtesy call on President Danny Faure at State House yesterday morning.
Ambassador Alsehaijan, who was accredited last July as the new ambassador for his country to the Republic of Seychelles, said he and President Faure discussed the enhancement of diplomatic relations between Seychelles and Kuwait, both economically and politically.
Following his discussion with President Faure, Ambassador Alsehaijan paid a visit to Vice-President Vincent Meriton.
To note the State of Kuwait has, through the Kuwait fund, loaned Seychelles more than US $12 million for public infrastructure projects. The State of Kuwait and Seychelles established diplomatic relations on July 11, 1988.
Also present during the discussion at State House yesterday were the principal secretary for foreign affairs, Marina Confait, and other officials from the same department.
Ambassador Alsehaijan is based in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.