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ISS celebrates Children’s Day |03 June 2023

ISS celebrates Children’s Day

Handing over of donation to Sarep chairperson Jeanne Simeon

The International School Seychelles (ISS) marked Children’s Day this year by organising a range of activities for their pupils, as well as activities benefiting the community of Seychelles.

World Children’s Day was first established in 1954 as Universal Children's Day and is celebrated on June 1 each year to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children's welfare.

Children’s Day offers everyone an inspirational entry point to advocate, promote and

celebrate children's rights, translating into dialogues and actions that will build a better world for children.

On Thursday June 1, ISS pupils came into school in their own clothes and were treated to a range of activities organised by the staff including face painting, yoga, bouncy castle, flash mob and class parties.

ISS pupils also put on a Talent Show including acts from staff and students. Pupils really enjoyed seeing their teachers, teaching assistants and peers perform in front of an enthusiastic crowd.

As per the school’s motto, ‘You are not born for yourself but for the world’, the school collected funds for Sarep (Seychelles Association of Retired Education Professionals). Generous ISS families donated R15,333 to Sarep to buy books to promote reading with children of Seychelles.

The school also collected donations from ISS families for Foyer de la Providence. ISS staff will volunteer at the orphanage on Sunday, spending time with the children and presenting them with the donations.

Elodie Vallantine, principal and head of secondary, commented: "Children spread joy, laughter and happiness in our lives and they are the reason we are all working in schools. I am so proud of every single one of our pupils and I am delighted they had an amazing Children’s Day at school. I am very grateful to our parent community for their generosity with food and drink for class parties, as well as donations for Sarep and Foyer de la Providence. As a school, we are very proud to be able to help all of Seychelles children for Children’s Day, in line with our school values and motto.”


Text & photos contributed

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