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Seychellois Jacqueline Moustache-Belle recognised for making a difference in the lives of African women |24 March 2023

Seychellois Jacqueline Moustache-Belle recognised for making a difference in the lives of African women

Mrs Moustache-Belle receiving her award from Mr Kebdani

Seychellois Jacqueline Moustache-Belle has received an award by the Reseau des Femmes Elués Locales d’Afrique (Refela), in recognition for her support and commitment to making a difference in the lives of women on the African continent.

Mrs Moustache-Belle, who is the director of the gender and youth department of the United Cities and Local Government (UCLG) Africa, was among five of Refela’s network members to receive the award.

The four others are Dr Fatna El Khiel, Mayor of the Commune of Arbaoua; Dr Najat Zarrouk, director of Academy of Local Government of Africa; Mayor Amina Bouhdoud, President of the Commune de Lagfifate, Morocco; and Asmaa Rhlalou, the Mayor of Rabat.

The award reflects the work of the hard work and commitment of the team of gender and youth.

The five African women awardees were presented with their awards by Isaam Kebdani, the provincial secretary general in charge of cooperation in the branch of cooperation and documentation, Ministry of Interior, Morocco, in a ceremony to celebrate the Rights of the Women’s Day on March 17, 2023.

This was in the presence of the President of the Association Marocaine des Presidents des Conseils Communaux (AMPCC), Mounir Laymouri.

Speaking to Seychelles NATION, Mrs Moustache-Belle said that it is always a sense of recognition and commitment when one receives an award.

She added that when it comes to social matters, fairness, parity and equity, there is always a lot to be done to push the agenda of African women.

“It is never enough. There are still several tasks ahead, however, any long journey starts with one step,” said Mrs Moustache-Belle.

Prior to the award presentation, the elected women members of the Refela had been meeting to elect their new members of the bureau and also to celebrate the Rights of the Women’s Day.

Based in Tangiers, Morocco, Refela, a network for the elected women of Africa, is unique worldwide with thirty-one countries of the continent enrolled as members.  It offers an incredible network for peer learning and pushes the concept and practice of women leadership as priority on its agenda.  With the assistance of its international partners, the Gender Unit of UCLG Africa has produced and launched the Local and Regional Governments’ Charter for Gender Equality in Africa.

The success of Refela has resonated around the world, and as a result, discussions are currently underway for Refela to guide and assist the Asian Regions, UCLG ASPAC, and the Latin American Regions UCLG FLACMA on how to create a network for their elected women.

While UCLG Africa focusses its activities on three main pillars, which are Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development; Advocacy and Mobilisation; Corporate Learning and Knowledge Management, Refela presently concentrates on three campaigns which are African Cities without Street Children, African Cities with Zero Tolerance to Violence Against Women and Girls and African Cities for the Economic Empowerment of Women and Girls.


Compiled by Patrick Joubert


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