74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly – Blue leaders call to action on ocean and climate |26 September 2019

Addressing climate change with ambitious ocean climate action
On the sidelines of the 74th session of the United Nations General Assemblyin New York, United States of America President Danny Faure attended the Blue Leaders Breakfast event where he addressed fellow ocean leaders on the urgency of ocean conservation as part of climate change actions.
“The world cannot succeed in addressing climate change without ambitious ocean climate action. We cannot ensure the health, resilience, sustainability and productivity of the ocean without immediate and aggressive measures to combat the climate crisis,” said President Faure.
The event coincided with the release of Summary Findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) special report on the ocean and the cryosphere linked to the COP25 to be held in Chile in December 2019.
Speaking to the audience, President Faure emphasised on specific examples of Seychelles nationally determined contribution (ND) for 2020 focused on the protection of the marine environment and ecosystems.
“Our NDC for 2020 will have a chapter dedicated to ocean climate action and blue carbon ecosystems, looking at sea grass, mangroves and coral reefs is one of the most effective carbon sinks in Seychelles’ vast exclusive economic zone of 1.4 million square kilometres,” added the President.
President Faure also highlighted actions undertaken by Seychelles committed to ocean action and already as a leader in nature, ecosystem-based solutions and adaptation to climate change.
“As part of our effort to lead the world in boosting ocean health, resilience, sustainability and climate action, Seychelles will have committed 30% of its EEZ to marine protection by next year, meeting the 30-by-30 target of protecting 30% of the ocean by 2030 a decade early,” he added.
The accompanying photos show some highlights of the Blue Leaders Breakfast event.