Seychelles, Malta pledge to strengthen health ties |23 November 2022

Minister Vidot and Minister Fearne exchanging gifts
Seychelles and Malta have agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) as early as possible to pave the way for closer collaboration in digital health and health workforce training and exchange.
Health Minister Peggy Vidot and deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister of Malta, Christopher Fearne, agreed to the principles of that MoU in Valletta, capital of Malta, on Friday last week on the sidelines of the Malta Med-Tech Conference.
“At times, we have more commonalities with the small states of Europe than we do with the small states of our region,” said Minister Vidot as she underscored Seychelles's efforts to modernise its health system by moving slowly but surely from a paper-based to a digital system.
Principal secretary, Dr Bernard Valentin, and chief executive of the Health Care Agency, Dr Danny Louange, were also in Malta with the minister.
“The MoU will provide a robust framework for collaboration between our two countries and will most definitely strengthen our health system,” said the principal secretary.
“Seychelles is bigger in land area than Malta but smaller in population size. We have a lot to learn from their rich history and vast experience in health,” he further stated.
The Seychelles delegation also visited the 1500-bed Mater Dei Hospital of Malta which serves more than half a million Maltese.
“It is amazing how the challenges faced by that hospital in delivering free health care at the point of use are similar to those faced by the Seychelles Hospital,” said Dr Louange.
“Working together will bring immense benefits to both sides,” he added.
Also present at the Malta meeting were health ministers of Bahamas, Barbados, Grenada and Montenegro and a senior health official from Belize.
Press release from the Ministry of Health