Football |22 October 2022

Capt: Mr Sinon handing over the equipment to Glacis FC head coach Samuel Gill
Jo’s Kafe land a hand to Glacis FC
Championship contenders Glacis Football Club now have the capacity to boost its youth development programme after receiving new equipment through sponsorship from Camion Hall-based Jo’s kafe.
It was head coach Samuel Gill who accepted the equipment, comprising 25 training ball from café owner Jose Sinon during a small ceremony in town yesterday.
A former badminton player, Mr Sinon said after being approached by his son Joshua who plays for Glacis FC, he instantly started the process to purchase the footballs, through his contact in Dubai.
Mr Sinon said having practicing sports most of his youth days; he knows the benefit it brings in the life of young people, precisely in paving a positive life away from social ills.
He added that sponsorship is just the beginning of a future continuous partnership.
Roland Duval