International affairs committee meets with EU delegation |12 October 2022

The meeting between members of the IAC and the EU delegation
The International Affairs Committee met with the European Union delegation which was in the country meeting with different entities for the ninth political dialogue.
The meeting took place at the National Assembly on Wednesday October 5, 2022 in the late afternoon. It was requested by the delegation amongst the series of dialogues held already with ministries, departments and agencies (MDA) on the various EU-Seychelles cooperation dating back to 45 years. It created the opportunity for the International Affairs Committee (IAC) to better understand the partnership's progress and the issues of concern of both parties with regards to finding the possible solutions moving forward.
The European Union (EU) non-resident Ambassador to Seychelles, Vincent Degert as the head of the delegation was accompanied by Olivia Christmann, Resident French Ambassador to Seychelles; Monica Cecelia Sitaru, Ambassador of Romania; and the High Commissioner of Cyprus, Andreas Nikolaides.
Hon. Waven William started the meeting with the introduction of participants and gave the floor to Mr Degert to brief the committee on the status of the various bilateral cooperation and activities.
The following were the main areas of discussion, which included the socio-economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and international economic recovery; the Russian aggression of Ukraine; agriculture and food security; governance, rule of law and human rights; environment, climate change and the blue economy; peace and stability and; cooperation in the international fora.
The other members of IAC present had questions covering EU aid on subjects such as maritime security, renewable energy capacity, digitisation, Seychelles’ vulnerability index, funding opportunities for the governance sector and the Seychelles’ grey status on the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) non-cooperative jurisdictions list. The EU delegation members were forthcoming in their answers regardless of whether they were of a positive or negative nature which demonstrated to the IAC the willingness and good intentions of the EU towards the country’s sustainable development. As it has been doing for the aforementioned sectors, the EU affirmed the continuation of their support, both financial and technical further informing the members of the Indian Ocean Commission’s role as an avenue for aid.
The vulnerability of the country’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) was elaborated upon as it is an issue of pertinence where the EU has injected many resources, such as the EUNAVFOR operations geared towards maritime security of the Indian Ocean region as a whole. With the emerging threats of trafficking in arms, narcotics and illegal fishing, strengthening the operations is opportune and timely. Another topic elaborated on was the impact of the Russia / Ukraine war on the Euro exchange rate and how this could possibly affect Seychelles and its tourism industry. Fortunately, due to the increase of tourism largely due to a successful vaccination campaign, it is anticipated that the country will continue to perform well if the geopolitical crisis does not escalate beyond control.
Hon. William, on behalf of the IAC, expressed his gratitude to the delegation and his wishes that annually or whenever the EU delegation is in the country on working visits to also meet with the IAC when possible. Hon William also congratulated the delegation and expressed the National Assembly's gratitude on behalf of the people of Seychelles for what the country has benefitted from the EU-Seychelles joint partnership over the years.
Also present at the meeting were the EU technical team, and Membersof the IAC namely, Hon Wavel Woodcock as vice-chairperson, Hon. Egbert Aglaé, Hon Kelly Samynadin, Hon Philip Monthy, Hon Philip Arissol and the Deputy Clerk, Alexandria Faure.
Press release from the National Assembly