New tourism logo unveiled |08 September 2022

Mrs Willemin unveils the new logo
A “refreshed face for Seychelles”
A revamped logo to keep our country abreast of new developments in the world of tourism and to make it more visible as a tourism destination was unveiled yesterday by the Tourism department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tourism.
The revamped and modernised logo, which is an evolution deriving from the concept of the previous logo, was unveiled as a “refreshed face for Seychelles” to representatives of stakeholders in the airlines, hotels and destination management companies (DMCs).
It was the director-general for destination marketing, Bernadette Willemin, who unveiled the logo in a short presentation held yesterday morning at L'Escale Resort. Also present was the principal secretary for Tourism, Sherin Francis, and staff of the department.
The logo, depicting a flying freedom bird with its tail slightly tilted downwards from the upward position on the previous log and with headline typeface, ‘The Seychelles Islands Another World’, has been refreshed and simplified to make it more contemporary and fit for the modern landscape, while retaining the essence of our country from the previous logo, represented by the blue, aqua, green, yellow and red colours.
Apart from being used as a whole, the logo mark can be broken apart and used as design assets. The simple, solid shapes that make up our logo can be used as graphic elements across all of our communications. Stakeholders can use the logo on brochure covers, document layouts and for advertising purposes including on small and large scale materials
Speaking to the press after the presentation, Mrs Willemin said that all brands needs refreshing, taking into account that the logo that has been marketing Seychelles for the past years was revolutionised and branded in 2006.
She added that it was important at this point in time to relook and freshen up our country’s tourism brand to make it better aligned with other brands from our competitors given the developments happening in the digital world of tourism.
“The idea for rebranding our logo is for us to stay on top and more visible and appealing to our clients. What we have done is given it a new face with a mordernised and dynamic touch to look more energetic to do just that,” said Mrs Willemin, who noted that although the logo has been revamped, the core values and the essence of the Seychelles Brand – the sun, sea, sand, fauna and flora – still remain as is.
Mrs Willemin said that they did not want to completely revolutionise the logo as they wanted stakeholders to continue to associate with Seychelles Tourism via the logo.
She added that if the logo was to be completely revolutionised, the process would have taken longer and more costly, further to taking a lot of time to get people to be acquainted with it.
The new revamped logo, which took three and a half months to concretise, was designed by ‘Union’, an advertising company based in Scotland, headed by a Seychellois, at a cost of 30,000 pounds. It is more compact, meaning usable in different size formats, especially in the smaller formats. It was the same company that in 2006 designed the previous logo and Mrs Willemin said that it was taken on board because of the experience and connection it has with the previous logo. She added that the tourism team provided the guidelines and also invited the professionals from Union for a country feel of the desired concept of the logo.
Speaking to Seychelles NATION, the chairperson of the Seychelles Hospitality and Tourism Association (SHTA), Sybille Cardon, said the idea to revamp the logo was fantastic and the logo looks very interesting.
She added that amid the tourism situation in the world right now, it will surely find its place and add value to the country’s tourism industry.
Text & photos by Patrick Joubert