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More part-time studies at Sidol |07 September 2019

More part-time  studies at Sidol

Sidol director Stella Bergmann attending to a client at yesterday’s recruitment fair

Members of the public who went to the STC hypermarket yesterday had the chance to learn more on the different further learning opportunities that the Seychelles Institute of Distance and Open Learning is offering.

Staff of the Seychelles Institute of Distance and Open Learning (Sidol formerly Aldec) were at the hypermarket at Bois de Rose talking to people and informing them on what the institution has to offer in terms of courses.

The recruitment fair was part of activities the institution had organised to mark the open learning week with the purpose of getting members of the public to know and learn about the institution and the courses it offers.

Members of the public were able to interact with the staff and they also had the possibility to fill application forms and register as new students or lecturers.

They were also able to buy fruits, vegetables and snacks products as their practical courses are in the pipeline for introduction in the future.

The director of Sidol, Stella Bergmann said the institution is in the process of being revamped and they want to open it up to the public to get their views and comments to help them with their future strategic decisions aimed at further improving their services.

The Sidol is situated behind Théâtre des Palmes at Mont Fleuri and it shares a building with the Sisco centre which is part of the University of Seychelles (UniSey).

“A lot of people do not even know that we exist or do not even know where we are. So this is why we have come out in the open to let them know a little bit about us and in this way also we can get to market the institution for potential clients for next year,” Mrs Bergmann said.

The institution, which offers second chance learning to adults, has 15 staff at the moment. It offers short courses in foreign languages, literacy classes as well as A-Level, O-Level and IGCSE courses in a variety of subjects.

Literacy courses – English, French, Kreol, mathematics from level 1 to level 3 – are mostly held in the districts twice a week after working hours (from 4.30pm to 6pm).

All other level courses and short courses – foreign languages, office management, communication skills etc. are held at the institution twice a week in the morning from 8am to 4pm and also from 4.30pm to 6pm. The courses on Saturdays are from 9am to 12 noon.

The lecturers at the institution also conduct classes at other institutions and workplaces.

All courses offered at Sidol are on a part-time basis. The courses have been designed to respond both to individual professional development needs and the needs of ministries and organisations. Anybody out of the educational mainstream including students, are eligible to follow the courses.

According to Mrs Bergmann, recently a survey was conducted to assess knowledge, functions and services the institution offers. The findings will be compiled and considered to further develop the institution.

She noted that the institution will put more emphasis on developing its open distance learning, a new added component offering more literacy-based courses in the community.

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