Students learn of career opportunities |20 August 2022

Students of both the University of Seychelles (UniSey) and other professional centres such as the Seychelles Business Studies Academy (SBSA) and the Seychelles Institute of Technology (SIT) have learned about career opportunities that exist at various organisations in the country.
This was through a half-day career fair held yesterday morning at the UniSey Anse Royale campus.
Organised by the Market and Communications Team, and the Students Services team, the career fair was attended by different companies and organisations that had been invited to showcase their functions and roles of particular jobs.
The stalls set up belonged to the Public Utilities Corporation (PUC), Absa Bank Seychelles, Cable & Wireless Seychelles, Central Bank of Seychelles, Department of Information Communications Technology, Enterprise Seychelles Agency, Disaster and Risk Management Division, Division of Science, Technology and Innovation, and the Seychelles Investment Board.
The director of Marketing and Communications, Dolivette Chang-Ko, explained that they had decided to organise the career fair as a way of helping the students choose a career path by experiencing various opportunities that are available for them.
“They can also discuss about having a part-time job at the same time as they are studying, so they can start building their careers with these different organisations or also enter internship programmes that we send them on every year.”
She added they can then consider a specific organisation to work with once they have completed their studies.
Upon arriving at each stall, the groups of students were given a brief overview of what the organisation entails and its purpose. Some also had specific members of their staff explain the roles of their jobs and what they are required to do.
UniSey had also set up its own stall at the fair, to promote itself as both a workplace and an education centre where students from post-secondary schools can consider studying for their chosen career choice.
Speaking on behalf of PUC, the personnel manager, Rania Matombe, said that being invited to join the career fair was too great of an opportunity to turn down.
She said that “as an organisation established in Seychelles, we always take the opportunity to show what we have to offer in terms of careers that Seychellois can develop and also in terms of the prospects that there are”.
The students who visited their stall were given an explanation on PUC’s structure and the ways of progressing, both professionally and personally.
She acknowledged that the many students, especially those from SIT, had shown great interest in joining the organisation in the future.
The career fair, which also coincided with the exit seminar that the university usually holds every year for their students who are about to graduate, served as a chance to help guide them into their chosen career once they leave.
One of the students visiting the fair, Gabrielle Fred from the SIT, described her experience there as very enlightening.
“Personally, I think that this fair will help us a lot because there are people who never help the youths move forward.”
She stated that young people are often afraid of speaking up about what they want to do, and the fair provided them with the information and confidence to take a step in the right direction. Although she has not decided exactly what career she would like to take up in the future, she is keeping an open mind about what it is that she will like to do soon.
Meanwhile, the UniSey said it was strongly considering holding the career fair on an annual basis, and opening it to the public as well.
The accompanying photos show some highlights of the career fair.
Sylia Ah-Time
Photos by Louis Toussaint