Enjoy a plant-based breakfast of endless possibilities |22 July 2022

Given that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, starting the morning with a plant-based meal can give you a boost of energy and leave you feeling good and satisfied for the rest of the day.
Having primed you well enough for your preparations for a plant-based diet last Friday, we’ll now share with you some of best ways to enjoy your plant-based breakfast.
Fruits of the season
The first thing that comes to mind with breakfast is fruits. Choose local fruits in season when quality, quantity, availability and price are best.
Right now, for example, there are some great soursops, local apples, rose apple (‘zanmalak’), custard apple (‘kerdbef’), along with the other usual year-round staples like bananas and papayas.
The obvious and often best way to enjoy them is a simple cut and serve, but some people prefer them in a fruit salad.
Smoothies are a great way to enjoy fruits if only because you can load them with other ingredients which make them filling and more nutritious, such as flaxseed, chia seeds, oats, and even herbs and spices and a squeeze of citrus.
Explore the possibilities of a smoothie by adding a variety of vegetables such as spinach, beetroot, cucumber, to provide even more nutrients. The possibilities are endless.
Eggs or no eggs
Some people will swear by their eggs in the morning while others cut out eggs altogether. If you are in the former category you should try loading your egg dishes with lots of vegetables.
Just chop up some water spinach (‘bred lanmar’) or chinese cabbage (‘bred soudsin’) or amaranth leaves (‘bred paryater’) or grated carrots, or chopped tomatoes, or sliced okra and drop them in, and you’ve got a balanced and hearty meal.
Enjoy your eggs whichever way you want on a wholewheat bread or Low GI toast, or even a cassava rusk (‘galet’).
This is the perfect place to fit in a vegetable frittata loaded with your vegetables of choice such as tomatoes, capsicum, onion and other plant-based ingredient such as mushroom and herbs. Or why not an omelette with moringa leaves (‘bred mouroum’).
The fridge breakfast
Did you know that your refrigerator can be preparing your next morning’s breakfast while you sleep?
This is a great solution if you know you’re going to be in a mad rush in the morning and still want to stick to a healthy wholesome meal.
Before heading to bed pop some oats in the fridge with your choice of milk and some chia seeds, add some frozen berries which when available are reasonably priced and still very nutritious, and you’ve got yourself a hearty breakfast that you can even enjoy on the go.
The microwave breakfast
Most people use their microwave mostly for reheating leftovers and defrosting meats, but you’ll be surprised how much it can be your perfect assistant cook when you want a reasonably quick morning meal.
Check out ‘microwave egg dishes’ or ‘cooking eggs in microwave’ in your internet browser and put your own twist on the dishes that come up.
While the eggs are being done you can add a sweet potato and get in some carbohydrates at the same time. That’s breakfast done in about six minutes or less.
The easy ‘brunch’ breakfast
If you’re in the mood for something more substantial that would fit in more between morning and lunchtime, without too much effort, then rub some of your favourite vegetables like pumpkin, aubergine, capsicum, fennel, zucchini slices with olive oil and herbs, and put them under the grill for about 30 minutes while you put together say a pot of lentils or beans and herbs.
The most important message is that you’ve got loads of options to make use of our local produce plus a few imported add-ons to create the healthiest breakfast options for your health journey.
Keep in touch
It’s been a pleasure having you for breakfast and we look forward to host you for a tropical sunshine plant lunch next week.
Thank you for joining us this week on our Eat for Our Health page. Look us up on Social Media - Eat for our health Seychelles on Facebook and @eat4ourhealth on Instagram.
And don’t forget to drop us a little email to myhealthyplatesc@gmail.com and let us know how you’re doing with these ideas, or better still, share your favourite dishes or tips.
Yours in health
The E4OH Team