Australian HC pays farewell call on President Ramkalawan |22 June 2022

HC O’Shaughnessy during her call on President Ramkalawan (Photo: Joena Meme)
Dr Kate O’Shaughnessy, the outgoing non-resident high commissioner of Australia to the Republic of Seychelles, yesterday morning paid a farewell call on President Wavel Ramkalawan at State House.
Speaking to the press after meeting the President, HC O’Shaughnessy said they discussed the warm friendly relations between the two countries, taking into account that both countries work extremely closely together in international organisations.
“I thank the President of Seychelles for the position that Seychelles takes on many international issues,” she said.
Dr O’Shaughnessy stated that she and President Ramkalawan also discussed their shared interest in supporting small island developing states particularly on how both countries can work together to make sure that the vulnerabilities of small islands states are recognised and supported by the international community.
She noted that coordinating for Seychelles and Australia to work together to defend the interest of small island states was one of her main achievements during her tenure as HC to our country.
She added that the interest of small island states are poorly understood by the international community and it had been a real pleasure for her country to work with Seychelles on this very important issue.
“We finally talked about our shared commitment to combating the challenge of climate change. Australia has just had a general election and announced a new commitment to reducing our emissions and work towards net zero by 2050 and again we’re looking forward to work with Seychelles in international meetings like COP 27 likely this year,” HC O’Shaughnessy said.
HC O’Shaughnessy went on to explain that she has had to cut short her three-year tenure as HC for her country to Seychelles because she has to attend to her father who is unwell back home.
She announced that her successor will be accredited probably in August or September this year around the time when both countries will be co-hosting a search and rescue exercise.
After her visit to President Ramkalawan, the Australian HC also paid a farewell visit to Vice-President Ahmed Afif where they discussed lengthily cooperation in the blue economy.
HC O’Shaughnessy, who was based in Mauritius, was accredited to Seychelles in October 2021.
Patrick Joubert