Cabinet business |28 April 2022
More policy memoranda considered
President Wavel Ramkalawan chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet yesterday, Wednesday April 27, at which a number of policy memoranda were considered.
Cabinet discussed proposal for a new and improved national transportation system. Cabinet took note of the challenges of the current system where the Seychelles Public Transport Corporation (SPTC) has a monopoly in mass transportation and took a decision to allow private sector involvement in public transportation. This decision was in line with the government’s plan to have a safe, reliable, efficient and environmentally friendly national transportation system that would be the premier mode of travelling for citizens.
A regulatory authority would be set up to ensure safety, security, reliability and standards in the implementation of the national transport system. With the view to reduce carbon emission, Cabinet impressed upon the need for electric buses to be used as far as practicable. The new system would also cater for people with disabilities and mothers with push chairs. Omnibus operators would have the possibility to continue to transport school children alongside SPTC.
Cabinet felt that the new national transport system would support the incoming policy on flexible working hours and would improve workers’ punctuality.
Cabinet also approved for taxi operators to have the option of using small vans such as H1 as taxis and to pay the relevant import tax.
Cabinet noted the several anomalies and possible illegalities in the administration of the 2020 Development Company and its assets. It noted that the Anti-Corruption Commission of Seychelles (ACCS) has already opened an investigation, but government as shareholder will also proceed with its own civil investigation. Cabinet approved and reinforced the new board’s management and resolution of the issues with a view to normalise the situation.
Cabinet approved a proposal for the development of a marina on Praslin. The project which will be implemented at Baie St Anne will form part of a greater plan for a new town centre for Baie St Anne.
Press release from the Office of the President