Covid-19 update 5260 active cases to date |21 January 2022

Dr Gedeon and Dr Louange during the press conference (Photo: Jude Morel)
The number of active Coronavirus (Covid-19) cases in the country is 5260 cases from 5546 cases reported by the Ministry of Health on Monday 18, 2022.
This follows a slight drop in the transmission of the virus (Omicron variant) amid the downward trend of the moving average (7 days) of daily new active cases which stands at 434 compared to 559 lastly reported.
The figures on the Covid-19 situation in the country was given by the Public Health Commissioner, Dr Jude Gedeon, during the pandemic weekly update held yesterday afternoon at the Sheikh Khalifa Diagnostic Centre. Also present was the chief executive of the Health Care Agency, Dr Danny Louange.
Most of the active cases are on Mahé with 4450 active cases, followed by 426 actives cases on Praslin, 237 active cases on La Digue and with 57 active cases spread on the smaller islands.
Dr Gedeon said that since the surge in the number of active cases in 2021, the ministry recorded its highest peak of 799 active cases on January 11, 2022. He noted that the highest number of active cases ever registered before was 620 cases (Delta variant) recorded on May 3, 2021. Transmission of the virus is occurring in all the districts and on the smaller islands.
“Although very slow, it is a downward trend. Like any other pandemic, it will never go down at one go but rather gradually. We wish that the trend would go down more quickly but that will depend on our continuous efforts and to play our role to contain the virus,” Dr Gedeon said.
Since the start of the pandemic, the country has recorded 34,367 cumulative cases of which 28,964 people have recovered from the virus. I43 people have died from the virus among whom eight have died this month alone. Most of those who have died are in the age group of 70-80 years although most of the active cases are among young people in the age group of 15-40 years. Among the dead, 110 (77%) had not taken any types of vaccine for protection while some had taken only one dose. Among the 34,367 cumulative cases, 714 people were re-infected.
Speaking on the health services, Dr Louange stated that the ministry has seen a slight increase in the number of patients being admitted in relation to Covid-19 in the past week.
He said that 17 patients (including two in intensive care and one in critical condition) are at the Family Hospital at Ile Perseverance, 33 patients are at the New Coast Guard (40 capacity) and 8 patients at the old Coast Guard.
He noted that in the event of further increase in admission, the ministry will make provision to either use the Anse Royale hospital or the tent hospital donated by Qatar and which is under renovation, to admit patients. There are 19 patients at the Pension Fund Complex on Praslin while only one patient is in the La Digue facility.
Dr Louange went further to add that few Covid-19 related patients with certain medical problems have to stay and be treated in isolation at the Seychelles Hospital.
He said that the number of health staff infected with the virus has reduced to 133 active cases compared to 150 that were lastly reported to be infected.
He added that although some staff who were on quarantine are coming back to work, the ministry is still monitoring the situation that will impact on services provided to the public.
Dr Gedeon remarked that the ministry is not satisfied with the number of people who have come forward to take their booster dose or to start to get themselves vaccinated against the virus after making available Pfizer and Sinopharm vaccines.
He noted that they had expected a large number of people to report to vaccination centres to do so but it was not the case.
“It is very important for people to take their third dose and those who have taken any vaccines to come forward and to get vaccinated as research has shown that although the vaccines will not completely prevent you from being infected, it will prevent you from getting health complications in the vent of being infected, reduce the severity of your health complications and even prevent you from dying from Covid-19,” Dr Gedeon said, as he pointed out the importance for everyone to be vaccinated against the virus and to follow the health guidelines given.
Dr Gedeon stated that in total, since the start of the vaccination campaign for the population against the virus, 73,432 people (98%) have taken the first and second doses of all vaccine brands. As for the booster doses, only 29,502 people (39%) have so far come forward to be vaccinated. There are over 35,000 people who still have to take their booster doses while around 19,000 have not taken any vaccine.
Since administrating booster doses, 26,539 people have taken their third dose Pfizer and 2963 have taken third dose Sinopharm. As of January 1, 2022, a total of 7711 people, including youngsters in the age group of 12-17 years, have come forward to take their first, second and third doses of Pfizer or Sinopharm.
Dr Louange on his part called on people who want to get assisted with vaccination and who cannot come down to the vaccination centres, to either call 141 or put down their names at their respective district administration offices and the ministry will find modalities on how to assist them.
He said that the virus is being transmitted within the family, workplace and in the community.
Patrick Joubert